Hi all,<br><br>First, thanks to Louis for the great work, the wiki pages are a great synthesis !<br>ok, I'm late, but after reading every page related to this LGM 2011 venue, here is my opinion :<br><br>- why do we need a LGM in 2011?<br>
because we (LG peoples) should meet every year or so, and most of people will not come every year, so it's a good compromise.<br><br>- what YOU expect from the LGM 2011?<br>meet great peoples, see each project growing... have fun... like this year !<br>
- what is the LGM for YOU?<br>a great place to meet and to make Libre graphics projects a reality...<br><br><br>LGM Board :<br>Good idea, but I think this is related to the LG Association (or Fundation) project... why not build it in the same move ? <br>
Another thing witch is not clear to me : is there some election process planned, or maybe it will come in a second time ?<br><br>2 year process :<br>Totally agree<br><br>Location proposals :<br>I trust Hong Phuc Dang as an organizer, and it would be fair to go in Asia after her great talk and 5 year in Europe and North America. The only bad point is plane travel for most of us, but it's the same for people from Asia, Africa, South America or Oceania since 5 years. Cheap prices and free of charge hosting are somehow balancing the expensive travel cost.<br>
Brasil is interesting for me mainly because of his president Lula and his FOSS support. Maybe in 2012 ?<br>I see Montreal as a trusty fallback for 2011 or 2012 if other locations can't welcome us.<br><br><br>LGA project :<br>
I've been busy on past weeks so I didn't make the discussion going on, and the mailing list was busy with the LGM 2011 debate, but we need to keep going by starting to discuss a website.<br><br><br>Have a nice day,<br>
-- yagraph<br><br>