Hi, <br>Working with Synfig Project here <a href="http://synfig.org">http://synfig.org</a><br><br>I've been reading the latest discussion about gradient format <br>and I do agree on define the gradient as this:<br><br>
A Color Gradient is a collection of Stop Points with the following information:<br>-Color definition (inlcuded alpha).<br>-Position (between 0 and 1)<br>-Math formula to move from this stop point to the next<br><br>If there is need of have a separated alpha gradient just replace the Color definition <br>
item by the Alpha definition item and add it as optional. The application should know <br>what to do with that Alpha Gradient once loaded.<br><br>Let's look into each component:<br><br>*Color definition: it has to include one of the standard of the color definitions<br>
(RGB, CMYK, HSV, etc) and all the information needed. Usually all the colors should be <br>defined in the same color model and it (the model specification) should be included in the <br>gradient format if not part of a common standard.<br>
<br>* Position: it just can be defined with a real number between [0.0, 1.0]<br><br>* Math Formula: The agreement of this part is important for the current existing gradients.<br>Most of the applications uses just the linear approaching but to completely agree this item <br>
it is needed that, each application that has non linear interpolation between one stop and <br>the other, compare its most complex interpolation system to be sure that it can be emulated <br>by the proposed general formula. <br>
<br>Currently Synfig uses Color Gradients with the following approaching:<br>-Color definition: RGBA color<br>-Position: a real number<br>and no interpolation data, just linear interpolation.<br><br>Here a simple red to black gradient definition for Synfig:<br>
<br><gradient><br> <color pos="0.000000"><br> <r>1.000000</r><br> <g>0.000000</g><br> <b>0.000000</b><br> <a>1.000000</a><br>
</color><br> <color pos="1.000000"><br> <r>0.000000</r><br> <g>0.000000</g><br> <b>0.000000</b><br> <a>1.000000</a><br>
</color><br></gradient><br> <br>Greetings<br> <br>Carlos López<br>