Ciao Ale,<br><br>I think it would be best if we could have 2 forms on the website at the launch of the Pledgie campaign, as well as 3 buttons !<br><br>BUTTON 1 > DONATE ! > Pledgie Website<br>BUTTON 2 > REGISTER > Form<br>
BUTTON 3 > CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS > Form<br><br>We have already discussed about the Register form and what needs to be added to it.<br><br>For the Call for presentations, I would suggest we go beyond the wiki because what we really need is the data in a way that we can use it downstream, with compulsory fields marked with an asterisk. All fields must be filled before the "Submit" button becomes active. This will ensure we have all the info for the program without having to ask for missing data.<br>
<br>* * *<br><br>* Type of talk<br>a) Short talk 5min<br>b) Talk 30 min<br>* Title of presentation<br>* Name of speaker<br>Name of co-speaker(s) (when applicable)<br>* Short bio of speaker<br>Short bio of co-speakers (when applicable)<br>
* Short description of talk<br>Specific day or time (when applicable)<br>* Link to project or work<br>Other specific needs (when applicable)<br>Additional notes (when applicable)<br clear="all">
* Need for sponsorship (not sponsored by any other means)<br><br>* * *<br>Any further thoughts on this ?<br><br>Cheers !<br><br>Louis<br>-- <br>Louis Desjardins<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
+1 514 994 9351 (Cell)<br>+1 514 934 1353 ext. 121<br>