Hi Guys,<br><br>We need to improve the access to the LGM website.<br><br>I have a limited access to the LGM website at the moment but this access is broken. I have currently no way to edit the text in the website. At 9 weeks before LGM, this is wrong.<br>
<br>We need to be able to put stuff on the website at just about any time, or reset access when it's broken, or whatever ! :)<br><br>As we get closer to the LGM, it becomes clearly critical that we need to let in at least one or two knowledgeable person(s) who could handle the code when one of us is not available.<br>
<br>A few people have access to the server and they seem to be all in the same time zone or very busy elsewhere. We need more flexibility.<br><br>Can we address this quickly — I mean now?<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>Louis<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Louis Desjardins<br><a href="http://libregraphicsmeeting.org">libregraphicsmeeting.org</a><br>+1 514 994 9351 (Cell)<br>+1 514 934 1353 ext. 121<br>