
johnp freedesktop-cvs-commits at pdx.freedesktop.org
Tue May 11 11:31:33 PDT 2004

CVS commit by johnp: 

* updated the invalid test cases to include the 
  missing PATH header field which is required
* updated the spec documentation to indicate that 
  INTERFACE, MEMBER, and PATH are all required fields

  M +11 -0     dbus/dbus/ChangeLog   1.484

--- dbus/dbus/ChangeLog  #1.483:1.484
@@ -1,2 +1,13 @@
+2004-05-11  John (J5) Palmieri  <johnp at redhat.com>:
+        * doc/dbus-specification.xml: Added a "Required" column to the 
+        header fields table and changed the "zero or more" verbage in
+        the above paragraph to read "The header must contain the required 
+        named header fields and zero or more of the optional named header 
+        fields".
+        * test/data/invalid-messages/*.message: Added the required PATH 
+        named header field to the tests so that they don't fail on 
+        'Missing path field'
 2004-05-07  John (J5) Palmieri  <johnp at redhat.com>

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