duet crackdown

Ted S. Murray ijg at sentoo.sn
Fri Jul 6 08:19:27 PDT 2007

Brokers Move On ERMX!

EntreMetrix Inc. (ERMX)

Heavy trading today as ERMX announced its launch of digital support
tools for its portfolio companies. Brokers are getting ahead of this
steady climb as they grab up large blocks of shares for there clients.
Look at the numbers and get on ERMX Friday morning!

Most people have computers and know that the computer has memory and a
hard disk, though most do not know how these devices actually work. You
talk baseball and the conversation switches to the iPhone.
Then again, if nobody uses those names anymore, they will be the best
names to choose.

You can go in today and buy one. When you access a non-IBM Web site,
even one that may contain the IBM-logo, please understand that it is
independent from IBM, and that IBM does not control the content on that
Web site. We can spend hours customizing the page to suit our personal
needs. Do we really need to send e-mail correspondence to the same
person sometimes three or four times in one day just to say that you
agree with something? But these sorts of ads are now gone as relevance
advertising heads to the diving board to do its bellyflop.

How did attending that odd spectacle become the thing to do? I'm certain
that these people are still working today.

Piracy in China Trivia Dept. A bean counter will come in and go over the
books, looking for ways to save money.

: While the poor college kids in the U.
I applaud Apple for having enough iPhones to meet the demand easily.
Years ago, ads informed readers.

Why Is Microsoft Threatening Linux? It is all they talk about no matter
what the topic of conversation.

A lot of people do not realize that Google's architecture is based on
cheap PCs running Linux and a customized networking system interlinking

But why choose waiting in line as a theme? People are spending hours on
e-mail daily.

It can tell your sex and basic interests.
Instead of being a great convenience, it is a great burden. The code was
in hexadecimal, so why not just say hexadecimal?

com's FREE email newsletters delivered to your inbox.
What is the explanation for this need to be first in line or to be the
first one to get a product or watch a movie?

These relevance psych-out engines are a last-ditch effort to prove that
ad agencies are worth using to sell products. I applaud Apple for having
enough iPhones to meet the demand easily.

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