OBJECT_PATH type implementation missing

Owen Fraser-Green owen at discobabe.net
Fri Mar 19 10:09:42 PST 2004


I found the function to which you refer, _dbus_string_validate_path, but
is it the responsibility of the either the iter_append and iter_get
functions (or both) to check for validity? As far as I can see there is
validation checking on the other types (for example that the string part
of CUSTOM has max length 256, or that a string is valid UTF-8 even
though there is a function for testing this).

All I could find in the TODO lists was a statement to the effect that
the OBJECT_PATH array functions should be implemented one day.


On Thu, 2004-03-18 at 23:57, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't remember the whole reason why it isn't implemented, but one
> issue here is that it's not just a string - it has to be well-formed in
> terms of /foo/bar/baz, not foo/bar or foo//bar etc. I think there's an
> object_path_valid() function somewhere already? Not sure.
> You might check whether TODO has anything about this (it should if it
> doesn't...)
> Havoc

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