Errors while compiling program

Nallammai S snallammai at
Tue Apr 10 04:58:29 PDT 2007


>I am trying to compile a program dbusping.c. I have attached the program with this mail. When I try to compile the program with the following >command:
  > gcc `pkg- config -- libs -- cflags dbus- glib- 1` - o dbusping dbusping.c
 > Can anyone pls tell me the cause for the errors and how can I rectify them?
 You have to include the appropriate header in the file (dbus.h) for the code to work. Also you have to follow the function prototype for dbus_bus_add_match() function.

Compile using gcc  `pkg-config --cflags --libs dbus-1 glib-2.0 dbus-glib-1` -o dbusping dbusping.c

I have attached the code with some changes. Hope it helps :)



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