dbus-test: behavioral uncertainty

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Fri Feb 2 12:49:56 PST 2007

I am working on an implementation of the dbus-test interface for the Qt3 
bindings and I am testing against libdbus-java-1.13

When testing my client against the Java server, the client successfully calls 
all methods (currently just once, still need to work on test cases), however 
the server complains about not receiving signal Trigger.

This is kind of contrary to how I interpreted the introspection file, which 
has Triggered and Trigger in the same interface and since Triggered is being 
sent by the server as a reaction to a method call, I understood that Trigger 
would be sent by the server to generate a method call on its initiative.

Assuming that the Java test behavior is correct (AFAIK same developer as the 
test), I suggest to move signal Trigger to its own interface and either 
document that this signal interface and interface TestCallbacks are supposed 
to be implemented on the client, also on path "/Test", or move them to a 
second xml file which describes the client's interface.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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