Tracking DBusWatches

tsuraan tsuraan at
Wed Feb 7 09:54:12 PST 2007

> The socket is owned by and used directly by the DBusConnection; libdbus
> will write the DBusMessage to it (and read DBusMessage from it). The
> DBusWatch is just so you can select() or poll() on both the
> DBusConnection socket *and* some other descriptors specific to your
> application at the same time. In other words DBusWatch tells you which
> descriptors libdbus wants you to include in your main loop
> (select()/poll()).
> If you don't have any other descriptors you can ignore DBusWatch and
> just block in dbus_connection_read_write(), which will simply block on
> the connection socket.

So if I want to drop dbus into an existing application, I could just
make a thread dedicated to calling dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch
and register all my desired functions without really having to worry
about anything else?  Is dbus thread-safe enough for that to work?

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