Questions about the Python bindings

Phil Thompson phil at
Fri Mar 2 01:11:12 PST 2007

On Thursday 01 March 2007 11:23 pm, you wrote:
> Don wrote:
> >2006/10/28 12:05:53  phil
> >Removed the QtDBus support.
> >
> >Has there been a change of plans since then? What version re-acquired
> > these bindings?
> Veering the discussion slightly off-course here:
> I don't know if PyQt4 intends to implement its D-Bus support through
> dbus-python or through QtDBus. Either way would seem fine. I don't have
> data to recommend one way or the other.
> But, if you do intend to implement it using QtDBus, let me know if
> anything you need is missing. I have been talking with the developer
> spearheading the Ruby and C# bindings for Qt (Richard Dale) and we've
> already come up with modifications he needs. They'll show up in the Qt
> 4.3 snapshots soon.

As I said I don't plan to wrap QtDBus. One of the reasons was that QtDBus 
seems very C++-centric (unlike the rest of the Qt API) and a Python wrapper 
would have to do some things in a slightly different way. (Put another way, 
templates are evil.) Unlike Richard I have the luxury of a maturing and 
actively developed alternative.


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