Seeing the session bus as another user

David Zeuthen david at
Wed Mar 7 10:03:48 PST 2007

On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 18:57 +0100, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> David Zeuthen wrote:
> >This kinda sounds like a hack to me. How is that going to work for
> >multiple sessions? Think fast-user-switching, multi-seat, hot desking /
> >terminal services...
> That's exactly why the system bus is recommended: there's only one of it, 
> whereas there are multiple session buses if you have multiple sessions.
> If you need to emit a signal from one user to another via D-Bus, your 
> options are:
> 1) setuid() and connect to that user's session bus (whose address you must 
> obtain through external means)
> 2) connect to a private connection (whose address you must obtain through 
> external means)
> 3) send the signal over the system bus (whose address is well known)

Maybe I misunderstood and thought you proposed that the notification
daemon would own a name on the system bus. That's what I'm opposed to;
it just doesn't work except for single-session use cases.

I'm not sure if you're suggestion that each notification daemon (one per
session) would listen for signals on the system bus and display
notifications. That sounds a bit wrong too... but doable.


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