where is dbus 1.2 ?

Havoc Pennington hp at redhat.com
Mon Nov 26 15:52:55 PST 2007


Sergey Struzh wrote:
> So now my question is whether it was thought through already or when (if 
> ever) you're planning to do so? Is it your roadmap?

Not right now. What I mean by "thought through" is for example, I don't 
know why you would want a bus daemon that allowed anonymous access. So 
step one in thinking it through is to describe (on this list) some of 
the use-cases. Then we could talk about how to add the feature (which 
would presumably be pretty simple, just have the bus daemon call 
set_allow_anonymous() if ANONYMOUS is one of the auth mechanisms, or 

If the feature appears useful and we talk about how to add it, the 
remaining step would be for a volunteer to write a patch (which should 
be a very simple patch).

For the system and session bus, I don't know why ANONYMOUS would be 
useful - so I am guessing you are using the bus daemon for some other 
custom purpose, with a custom config file?


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