disappearing messages with dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch & dbus_connection_pop_message

Havoc Pennington hp at redhat.com
Wed Oct 17 07:56:35 PDT 2007


Tim Wuyts wrote:
> From the documentation, I would think it should simply be a matter of
> changing the timeout in the read_write to -1 and nothing else.
> Unfortunately that simply doesn't work: messages are still being
> 'lost'. 

That should work, afaik.

If you built dbus with verbose mode enabled, then you can set 
DBUS_VERBOSE=1 when running your app and see if there are any clues.

> It's rather worrying that this behavior is not consistent:
> sometimes messages get through, sometimes they don't.

That is not too surprising, because the behavior depends on timing - 
what bytes happen to be available to read when read_write() is called.

> Which brings me to my second question: using read_write_dispatch(-1)
> and then using borrow_message, it all works flawlessly. This seems
> unlogical: if the 'dispatch' part would drop the message, then there
> wouldn't be anything to 'borrow' afterwards, would there?

I don't really know why this happens, but maybe you can dig into it.

> And what really happens to the message in the queue after I return
> (not steal) it? Does it get discarded (i.e. free'd), or does it keep
> on consuming memory ad infinitum?

When you return_message after borrowing it, it just gets dispatched 
normally. (If you ever call dispatch()). Which means any handlers are 
run then the message is freed.

> Sorry for all these questions, but I'm trying to get a grip on the way
> dbus works: we're using dbus on an embedded system, so there can't be
> any missing messages or memory leaks.

If you have not read the "Detailed description" at the top of 
http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/api/html/group__DBusConnection.html , 
that may help. Or just look at the dbus-connection.c source code:

There is nothing fundamentally complex, though the source has a bunch of 
goo related to thread locking. Messages arrive on a socket; as they are 
read from a socket, they go in a linked list (incoming queue). When you 
dispatch(), the next message in the queue is popped off, handlers 
invoked, then the message is freed. When you pop_message(), the next 
item in the queue is popped off. When you borrow_message(), the next 
item is popped off but you are expected to put it back and other threads 
are blocked from dispatching or popping anything until you do put it back.

If you both dispatch sometimes and pop_message() sometimes, then it's 
essentially random whether the handlers get run by dispatch, or you get 
to pop the message. It just depends on timing of bytes arriving on the 
socket and when they happen to be read.


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