(Java) How to get Hal DeviceAdded signal?

Berend Dekens cyberwizzard at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 12:16:39 PDT 2008


 I'm trying to figure out how to get notifications about new devices (I
 want to auto-mount block devices and scan them for media files to be
 exact). I am struggling with the DBus API and the HAL API. The docs
 make it seem so easy and the first part (listing UDI's) went smoothly.
 However, now I try to get the signals when a device is added but
 whatever I try, nothing happens when I insert my USB drive (even
 though KDE shows a popup, so at least dbus itself is working fine).

 I currently have 2 classes, the org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager interface
 and the class tying it together (the classes are below for
 readability). I tried adding the Signal in multiple ways but I get no
 errors and no events. Except when I use the public <T extends
 DBusSignal> void addSigHandler(Class<T> type, String source,
 DBusInterface object, DBusSigHandler<T> handler) method in the
 DBusConnection class: I have no clue what source should and everything
 I insert in there either results in a invalid bus name or well known
 name error.

 I googled all night long but I can't find further examples or docs to
 turn me in the right direction. Can someone help me?

 Berend Dekens

 -------------------------------- org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager.java
 package org.freedesktop.Hal;

 import org.freedesktop.dbus.DBusInterface;
 import org.freedesktop.dbus.DBusSignal;
 import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusException;
 import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusExecutionException;

  * Java interface for the org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager interface which
 handles most of the system generated
  * events. Based upon the Hal 0.5.10 specification at
  * @author cyberwizzard
 public interface Manager extends DBusInterface {
     * Get all UDI's in the database.
     * @return Objref[] An array of UDI's - Strings for all I know
    public String[] GetAllDevices();

     * Determines if a given object exists.
     * @return True if the device exists.
    public boolean DeviceExists();

     * Find devices for which the given string property assumes the given value.
     * @param key
     * @param value
     * @return Objref[] An array of UDI's - Strings for all I know
    public String[] FindDeviceStringMatch(String key, String value);

     * Finds devices of the given capability.
     * @param capability
     * @return Objref[] An array of UDI's - Strings for all I know
    public String[] FindDeviceByCapability(String capability);

     * Creates a new device object in the temporary device list (TDL)
 and return the UDI. Caller must be uid 0.
     * @return Objref
     * @throws DBusExecutionException PermissionDenied when you lack
 the right permissions
    public String NewDevice() throws DBusExecutionException;

     * Removes a device object that was created in the TDL. Caller
 must be uid 0.
     * @param tmp_udi Objref tmp_udi
     * @throws DBusExecutionException NoSuchDevice, PermissionDenied
    public void Remove(String tmp_udi) throws DBusExecutionException;

     * Moves a device from the temporary device list (TDL) to the
 global device list (GDL). Caller must be uid 0.
     * @param tmp_udi Objref tmp_udi
     * @param udi Objref udi
     * @throws DBusExecutionException NoSuchDevice, PermissionDenied
    public void CommitToGdl(String tmp_udi, String udi) throws

     * Acquires a global lock on an interface. See Chapter 4, Locking
 for details
     * @param interface_name String interface_name
     * @param exclusive Bool exclusive
     * @throws DBusExecutionException Device.InterfaceAlreadyLocked
    public void AcquireGlobalInterfaceLock(String interface_name,
 boolean exclusive) throws DBusExecutionException;

     * Releases a global lock on an interface. See Chapter 4, Locking
 for details.
     * @param interface_name String interface_name
     * @throws DBusExecutionException Device.InterfaceNotLocked
    public void ReleaseGlobalInterfaceLock(String interface_name)
 throws DBusExecutionException;

     * DBus Signal DeviceAdded(Objref obj) is send by
     * A device was added to the global device list (GDL).
     * Based on the HAL 0.5.10 specs.
     * @author cyberwizzard
    public class DeviceAdded extends DBusSignal {
        public final String obj;
        public DeviceAdded(String obj) throws DBusException {
            this.obj = obj;
 ----------------------------------------- DbusMonitor.java
 package org.omegacar.monitor;

 import org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager;
 import org.freedesktop.dbus.*;
 import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusException;

 public class DbusMonitor implements DBusSigHandler {
        public void handle(DBusSignal s) {
                if (s instanceof Manager.DeviceAdded)
                        System.out.println("Got a device connect for " +
 ((Manager.DeviceAdded) s).obj);

         * Make sure we cannot be instanced, the DBus stuff will create
 multiple instances for
         * callbacks and their handlers.
        protected DbusMonitor() {}

        public static void createMonitor() {
                System.out.println("Creating DBus Connection");
                DBusConnection conn = null;
                try {
                        conn =
                } catch (DBusException DBe) {
                        System.out.println("Could not connect to bus: " + DBe);

                Manager HAL = null;
                try {
                        HAL =
                        System.out.println("Printing UDI's");
                        String UDI[] = HAL.GetAllDevices();
                        for(int i = 0; i < UDI.length; i++) {
                                System.out.println("UDI: " + UDI[i]);

new DbusMonitor());

//conn.addSigHandler(Manager.DeviceAdded.class, HAL, new
 "org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager", HAL, new DbusMonitor());
                } catch (DBusException DBe) {
                        System.out.println("Could not set connect to
HAL: " + DBe);

                System.out.println("DBus hooking complete");


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