dbus-java and windbus

Sven Dummis sven.dummis at smafio.net
Wed Jun 11 06:49:21 PDT 2008

>> What do the mumble devs say - I mean - they should know if it works for them or not.
>> Afaik nobody used the java bindings on windows before but I an be wrong.
> I (the author of them) have, but only talking to themselves. At the time
> the windows port of the reference implementation wasn't working and
> there was no standard about how the authentication should work on
> windows (what is the uid? where is the home directory? etc).
> I have still not seen such things. If anyone knows how windbus does it,
> please tell me and I'll happily fix dbus-java to use the same scheme!
> Matt
> --
> www.matthew.ath.cx
> D-Bus Java
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Some time ago I worked with dbus-sharp and tested it with windbus. While I was testing I
figured out the following.

After "DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1" windbus expects the windows-username you wish to authenticate as.
The username is representented as DOMAIN\username if you are in a windows-domain if,
not it should be WORKSTATION\username.
It stores the keyrings in "Documents and Settings\username\.dbus-keyrings".
"Documents and Settings" is named differently according to the system language of windows.
If I remember correctly the folder can be everywhere. So you have to figure out where it is.

One way to get the location of the folder is to use some api-calls.
To avoid them I used the environment-vars "HOMEDRIVE" and "HOMEPATH" to get the full path.
It should work on all windows machines.

For EXTERNAL authentication windbus expects the windows-SID, if I'm right. But I didn't dig deeper into that.


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