Seeking Dbus-Java Binding examples using Jython

Matthew Johnson dbus at
Fri Apr 17 06:47:40 PDT 2009

On Fri Apr 17 08:58, Schmottlach, Glenn wrote:
> Can anyone point me to sample code that uses the D-Bus Java binding from
> Jython? So far I've gotten this to work:

I've not tried it from Java, I'm afraid
> Once I have the interface, I don't know how to actually call a method on
> the remote service using Jython. Is it required that I create Java
> interface proxy stubs (via the CreateInterface tool) and compile them
> into JARs before I can call these remote methods? Can Jython utilize the
> D-Bus XML interface description to synthesize an interface?

It is required to have them from the Java side, I don't know whether
python can synthesize them though.

> Ideally, I'd like to avoid creating Java source code using an external
> tool that I have to compile into a JAR in order to call a remote
> service. Is there a way to do this dynamically?

Well I'd not really considered it being used from a dynamic language.
There are a few things you can do though. There is a low-level interface
provide which you can just pass strings to to call methods (check the
org/freedesktop/dbus/test/ file in the dbus-java

Alternatively, there is a dbus-python API...


D-Bus Java
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