IDL language

Matthew Johnson dbus at
Mon May 11 05:41:02 PDT 2009

On Mon May 11 13:21, Mark Doffman wrote:
> This IDL shouldn't carry too much information about the way a protocol
> is mapped to the language or library, but should include some extra
> annotation such as struct and enum types that are pretty universally
> useful. The ability to describe new complex types and use them in D-Bus
> messages is a gaping hole in the D-Bus XML, affecting both the protocol
> documentation and the ability to generate decent bindings. Telepathy
> added annotations for this, EggDBus did too.

So, we can just use introspection with some standard annotations? Job
done, don't need to write a new language

> It should look, IMHO, much like the examples in:
> git://
> Now, the only reason you would want to have a typlib (Binrary or
> simplified representation of the information contained in the IDL) is
> for speed purposes. Think of the typelib as a pre-parsed version of the
> IDL. The pre-parsing and all the work of providing ANOTHER
> representation of the information is only really useful for dynamically
> importing the module. When you are statically generating Java bindings
> why not just parse the IDL itself.
Ah, I see we disagree about the meaning of 'typlib'. I don't really mind
what format it's in, but I think it should exist. A directory of
introspection files or of IDL files is fine.

However, why not parse IDL itself? Well, I already have an introspection
parser, so if I can use that I don't have to write another one...

> About the 'Standard' IDL though. We don't need to standardize one like
> the OMG did. We can just write one, evangelize it, and hope service
> providers start using it. Having a standard place to install the IDL
> files is the only thing we need to do from there.

Well, I really want to be able to pick any random dbus program and be
able to point at a standard place and a standard format and generate
stubs from it. This suggests we should have a standard format. Of course
I'm using introspection data just fine right now (but naming structs and
filling enums would be nice), so I'm happy with introspection+fluff.

> Different folks different strokes. For Java only client and server this
> makes complete sense. For multi-language stuff I think its usually
> easier to start with the language agnostic bit in the middle.

If people want this, then by all means, and I certainly agree that XML
is not an editable format. I just have slight reservations about pushing
a new format elsewhere, which is why I'd quite like the format which is
distributed for people to generate bindings from (as opposed to writing
new APIs) to remain the XML.


D-Bus Java
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