DBUS_VERBOSE is not taken into account anymore (Windows)

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Mon Jun 13 01:38:54 PDT 2011

On Sat, 11 Jun 2011 at 22:16:49 +0200, Vincent Torri wrote:
> ok, so the behavior has changed since 1.4.8

Not as far as I know? Verbose mode has never been on-by-default in the
autotools build system (although when you use autogen.sh, which enables
maintainer mode, you'll get verbose mode by default, whereas if you just run
configure, which doesn't enable maintainer mode, you won't).

Were you using pre-built binaries, CMake, or autogen.sh for 1.4.8, perhaps?

The recommended configuration for "release" builds that you won't be modifying,
at least on Unix where D-Bus is fairly well tested, is to use the ./configure
defaults (disable verbose mode, assertions and tests; leave checks enabled
unless their performance is unacceptable).

The recommended configuration if you will be developing D-Bus itself is
to use ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode, which enables verbose mode,
assertions and embedded tests, all of which are useful for developing D-Bus
itself but not recommended for normal use.

autogen.sh enables maintainer mode by default, on the basis that if you're
building D-Bus from git, you're probably a D-Bus developer. Use the release
tarballs if you just want a version of D-Bus that you can run.


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