Python / C++ application D-Bus usage issues

Kip Warner kip at
Mon Dec 17 21:08:55 PST 2012

On Tue, 2012-12-18 at 07:03 +0200, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:
> Earlier you wrote:
> "I am not really sure how to deal with the Introspect message. I am
> guessing the receiving C++ application is suppose to respond to this
> message by sending back an XML description of its supported interface
> (which it shouldn't have any)."
> That sounded like the C++ application wouldn't be sending any signals.
> If the C++ application is sending signals, it needs to export objects to
> D-Bus, which means that it will have an interface, which in turn should
> be introspectable. So, you need to handle the Introspect message in the
> C++ application, because the Python bindings depend on that
> functionality.

Hey Tanu. That's unfortunate. I guess I wanted my cake and to eat it
too. So I need to remove the signal filtering so I receive the
introspection message. When I get the message, I need to return the XML
string defining the object's interface. I'm assuming that means the
Python code needs to keep the proxy object. Is that correct?

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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