Sending / Receiving of byte arrays

Bogdan Lotko boguslaw.lotko at
Tue Feb 7 14:24:45 PST 2012


In the following (C++) structure the *buff *shall be sent as a byte array

struct XX
   QString               xxx;
   int                        yyy;
   char *buff*[4];

In Qt I have to declare metatype

and "<<",  ">>" operators

how to declare these operators, so that the *buff* will be sent as a 
byte array and not an ordinary string ('\0's inside possible)

I don't think
argument <<
<< mystruct.yyy
<< mystruct*.buff *;

will be correct in this case.

I've also been thinking to use the structure with  QByteArray instead of 
*buff. *Is it feasible?
  e.g construct the QByteArray using  fromRawData(buff,4)  just before 

How to do this same using low-level API?

I suppose the signature will be something like (sia(yyyy)), and I have 
to send all bytes separately, or there is a better way to do it

How to receive this byte array ( there is nothing like "toRawData()" ) ?

Thanks for your help


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