Sending / Receiving of byte arrays

Bogdan Lotko boguslaw.lotko at
Wed Feb 8 12:34:45 PST 2012

Thank you very much for the answer,

In fact I have to pass a struct of bit-fields that fits in a few bytes.

I am not sure if the QByteArray will allow such a cast, so I'll probably 
use the buffer as in the example.



On 2/8/2012 10:48, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On 07/02/12 22:24, Bogdan Lotko wrote:
>> In the following (C++) structure the *buff *shall be sent as a byte array
> ...
>> I suppose the signature will be something like (sia(yyyy)), and I have
>> to send all bytes separately, or there is a better way to do it
> (Disclaimer: I understand D-Bus, but I haven't used Qt for a while.)
> Think about what you want to achieve on D-Bus, *then* about how to get
> that to happen in QtDBus. Do you want the signature to be (siay) or
> (si(yyyy)) or (siyyyy), or even (siu)? Any of those are achievable - the
> right one depends on what those four bytes represent.
> I suspect the answer is probably that you want (siay), but I could be
> wrong - it depends what the bytes represent, and you haven't really
> given enough context for a good guess.
> If you want (si(yyyy)) or (siyyyy), you'll have to serialize each of the
> four bytes separately (it's a special case of a struct); if you want
> (siu) you'll have to combine the bytes into an unsigned int and send that.
>> I've also been thinking to use the structure with  QByteArray instead
>> of  *buff.  *Is it feasible?
>>   e.g construct the QByteArray using  fromRawData(buff,4)  just before
>> sending.
> That's how I'd do it: I believe QtDBus already knows how to send a
> QByteArray as an 'ay', so construct a temporary one from buff and
> serialize that with the<<  operator. (But use sizeof(myStruct.buff)
> instead of hard-coding 4.)
>> How to receive this byte array ( there is nothing like "toRawData()" ) ?
> You can deserialize an 'ay' into a temporary QByteArray with the>>
> operator. After that, there are three situations you need to think about:
> * the other process sends the right amount of data
> * the other process sends too much data
> * the other process sends too little data
> Possible resolutions for "too much data" include returning an error to
> the other process, or silently truncating at 4 bytes. Possible
> resolutions for "too little data" include returning an error to the
> other process, or padding with zeroes. Don't let the other process
> overflow the buffer and trigger a remote exploit... and you probably
> don't want to be using uninitialized data if it provides too little, either.
> Here's one possible implementation of truncation and zero-padding:
>      std::memset(myStruct.buff, '\0', sizeof(myStruct.buff));
>      std::memcpy(myStruct.buff, myByteArray.constData(),
>                  MIN(myByteArray.size(), sizeof(myStruct.buff)));
> but to be honest I'm not sure why you're using a fixed-size char[n] in
> Qt/C++ code at all - if you can just put a QByteArray in the struct,
> you'll be much better-protected from buffer overflows. (Similarly, I'd
> be inclined to use a GByteArray or a GString if this was GLib code.)
>      S


*Bogdan Lotko*

b.lotko at
Phone: +43 1 2852458
Mobile: +43 676 6615012
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