Starting the kdbus discussions

David Zeuthen zeuthen at
Fri Jan 10 10:15:24 PST 2014


On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Lennart Poettering <mzqohf at> wrote:
> I'd would suggestt that other libraries for dbus would do this similar:
> simply decorate the functions with trivial access flags (though it might
> make sense to simply hardcode this to one specific cap, if they dont
> want to expose such low-level bits).

Agreed, D-Bus libraries should make it very easy to get
access-control/authorization right (and hard to get it wrong, if at
all possible). As an example, if you're using gdbus-codegen(1) - which
you really should if you're programming in C with GLib - it's very
simple to do this via the GDBusInterfaceSkeleton::g-authorize-method
signal [1] which specifically allows blocking I/O. With this, it's a
single 5-line function to DTRT with polkit including GUI
authentication etc.


[1] :

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