Starting the kdbus discussions

David Zeuthen zeuthen at
Fri Jan 17 11:21:57 PST 2014


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Lennart Poettering <mzqohf at> wrote:
> I am pretty sure that the dbus thread gdbus uses is a poor design
> choice. It introduces extra latency for starters. However, what's
> particularly bad about it is that it really breaks any attempts of
> teaching gdbus prio inheritance magic.

Sigh. Sorry, but that's a pretty dumb thing to say especially as these
synthetic benchmarks (how exciting they may be) do not at all reflect
how D-Bus is used. Let me explain. The reason for GDBus using a
worker-thread has to do with ease-of-use in both multi-threaded
event-driven applications (e.g. using a main-loop mechanism and async,
callback-based facilities to send/receive D-Bus messages and
worker-threads using sync D-Bus facilities to send/receive) as well as
command-line programs where you don't have a main-loop at all.

IOW, the trade-off was well known at the time - saying it's poor
design just reflects poor knowledge of exactly what problems GDBus set
out to solve, and, IMHO, ended up solving very nicely.


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