DBUS - how to handle muliple bus-message in parallel

Lawrence D'Oliveiro ldo at geek-central.gen.nz
Thu Aug 23 02:10:51 UTC 2018

On Wed, 22 Aug 2018 15:09:14 +0900, dtdang wrote:

> ... is there any API/function in libdbus to trigger handler when
> message is in queue ?

Enclosed is a reasonably fully-worked example, showing how to hook
DBusWatch and DBusTimeout objects into a custom event loop, in this
case using poll(2). The service it provides is to return a count of
primes up to some given positive integer, using a deliberately naïve
algorithm that can be very CPU-intensive. Each request is passed off to
a separate thread, and the main thread gets notifications when each has
finished, upon which it constructs and returns the reply message.

    Example D-Bus server demonstrating how to handle time-consuming
    CPU-intensive messages with multithreading.

    Build with a command like

        gcc $(pkg-config --cflags dbus-1) -o slow_dbus_server \
            slow_dbus_server.c $(pkg-config --libs dbus-1) -pthread

    Start it running, then test by sending a request like

        dbus-send --session --type=method_call --print-reply \
            --dest=com.example.slow_server / com.example.slow_server.count_primes \

    to return a count of the number of primes up to 100. Try bigger limits (if
    you are brave, how about something on the order of a million), and also
    hitting it with multiple requests at once. With big requests, you should be
    able to see the separate CPU-intensive threads in e.g. a “top” display (hit
    “H” to see individual threads, and “1” to separate the load numbers for
    different CPUs).

    Note that really big numbers will likely exceed the default timeout,
    so you will need to increase this.

    This sample program doesn’t include any introspection function. But if it
    did, the XML returned might look like this:

        <node name="/">
            <interface name="com.example.slow_server">
                <method name="count_primes">
                    <arg name="limit" type="u" direction="in"/>
                    <arg name="result" type="u" direction="out"/>
                <method name="quit">
                    <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply" value="true"/>

    Copyright 2018 by Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo at geek-central.gen.nz>. This script
    is licensed CC0 <https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>; do
    with it what you will.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <iso646.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dbus/dbus.h>

    Useful stuff

#define die() exit(2)

static long get_milliseconds(void)
    struct timespec now;
    const int sts = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
    if (sts != 0)
        perror("getting monotonic clock time");
      } /*if*/
        (long)now.tv_sec * 1000 + now.tv_nsec / 1000000;
  } /*get_milliseconds*/

static void check_dbus_error
    const DBusError * dberr,
    const char * doing_what
    if (dbus_error_is_set(dberr))
        fprintf(stderr, "libdbus error %s: %s\n", doing_what, dberr->message);
      } /*if*/
  } /*check_dbus_error*/

    Thread management

static int
  /* the two ends of the pipe used to receive termination notifications
    from child worker threads */
struct workqueue_entry
  /* for passing work to, and receiving results from, child worker threads */
    struct workqueue_entry * next;
    DBusMessage * request;
    int valtype;
    unsigned long limit, result;
static struct workqueue_entry
  /* completed work entries */
    *finished = NULL,
    *finished_last = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t
    workqueue_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
      /* for synchronizing access to finished queue */

    Event-loop handling

static DBusConnection *
static bool
    quitting = false;

  { /* should be enough for my simple app */
    MAX_WATCHES = 3,

static DBusWatch *
    watches[MAX_WATCHES]; /* file descriptors libdbus wants me to watch */
static DBusTimeout *
    timeouts[MAX_TIMEOUTS]; /* timeouts libdbus wants me to keep track of */
static int
  /* elements used in above arrays */
    nr_watches = 0,
    nr_timeouts = 0;

static dbus_bool_t add_watch
    DBusWatch * watch,
    void * _
    const bool ok = nr_watches < MAX_WATCHES;
    if (ok)
        watches[nr_watches++] = watch;
        fprintf(stderr, "add_watch: limit of %d watches reached.\n", MAX_WATCHES);
      } /*if*/
  } /*add_watch*/

static void remove_watch
    DBusWatch * watch,
    void * _
    for (int i = 0;;)
        if (i == nr_watches)
            fprintf(stderr, "remove_watch: watch not found\n");
          } /*if*/
        if (watches[i] == watch)
            fprintf(stderr, "remove_watch: removing at position %d\n", i);
            for (int j = i; j < nr_watches; ++j)
                watches[j] = watches[j + 1];
              } /*for*/
          } /*if*/
      } /*for*/
  } /*remove_watch*/

static void toggle_watch
    DBusWatch * watch,
    void * _
    if (dbus_watch_get_enabled(watch))
        add_watch(watch, _);
        remove_watch(watch, _);
      } /*if*/
  } /*toggle_watch*/

static dbus_bool_t add_timeout
    DBusTimeout * timeout,
    void * _
    const bool ok = nr_timeouts < MAX_TIMEOUTS;
    if (ok)
        timeouts[nr_timeouts++] = timeout;
        fprintf(stderr, "add_timeout: limit of %d timeouts reached.\n", MAX_TIMEOUTS);
      } /*if*/
  } /*add_timeout*/

static void remove_timeout
    DBusTimeout * timeout,
    void * _
    for (int i = 0;;)
        if (i == nr_timeouts)
            fprintf(stderr, "remove_timeout: timeout not found\n");
          } /*if*/
        if (timeouts[i] == timeout)
            fprintf(stderr, "remove_timeout: removing at position %d\n", i);
            for (int j = i; j < nr_timeouts; ++j)
                timeouts[j] = timeouts[j + 1];
              } /*for*/
          } /*if*/
      } /*for*/
  } /*remove_timeout*/

static void toggle_timeout
    DBusTimeout * timeout,
    void * _
    if (dbus_timeout_get_enabled(timeout))
        add_timeout(timeout, _);
        remove_timeout(timeout, _);
      } /*if*/
  } /*toggle_timeout*/

static void handle_event(void)
  /* runs a single iteration of my event loop. */
    struct pollfd topoll[MAX_WATCHES + 1];
    int total_timeout = -1; /* to begin with */
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_watches; ++i)
        DBusWatch * const watch = watches[i];
        struct pollfd * const entry = topoll + i;
        entry->fd = dbus_watch_get_unix_fd(watch);
        entry->events = 0; /* to begin with */
        if (dbus_watch_get_enabled(watch))
            const int flags = dbus_watch_get_flags(watch);
            if ((flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE) != 0)
                entry->events |= POLLIN | POLLERR;
              } /*if*/
            if ((flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE) != 0)
                entry->events |= POLLOUT | POLLERR;
              } /*if*/
          } /*if*/
      } /*for*/
        struct pollfd * const entry = topoll + nr_watches;
        entry->fd = notify_receive_pipe;
        entry->events = POLLIN;
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_timeouts; ++i)
        DBusTimeout * const timeout = timeouts[i];
        if (dbus_timeout_get_enabled(timeout))
            const int interval = dbus_timeout_get_interval(timeout);
            if (total_timeout < 0 or total_timeout > interval)
                total_timeout = interval;
              } /*if*/
          } /*if*/
      } /*for*/
    const long timeout_start = get_milliseconds();
    bool got_io;
        const int sts = poll(topoll, nr_watches + 1, total_timeout);
        fprintf(stderr, "poll returned status %d\n", sts);
        if (sts < 0)
            perror("doing poll");
          } /*if*/
        got_io = sts > 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_watches; ++i)
        struct pollfd * const entry = topoll + i;
        if (entry->revents != 0)
          /* I/O notification for libdbus */
            unsigned int flags =
                    ((entry->revents & POLLIN) != 0 ? DBUS_WATCH_READABLE : 0)
                    ((entry->revents & POLLOUT) != 0 ? DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE : 0)
                    ((entry->revents & POLLERR) != 0 ? DBUS_WATCH_ERROR : 0);
            const bool ok = dbus_watch_handle(watches[i], flags);
            if (not ok)
                fprintf(stderr, "dbus_watch_handle failure\n");
              } /*if*/
          } /*if*/
      } /*for*/
        struct pollfd * const entry = topoll + nr_watches;
        if ((entry->revents & POLLIN) != 0)
          /* results received from one or more child threads */
            char dummy[20];
            read(notify_receive_pipe, dummy, sizeof dummy);
              /* doesn’t matter how much I read, or even what it is */
                const int sts = pthread_mutex_lock(&workqueue_mutex);
                if (sts != 0)
                    perror("locking workqueue mutex to retrieve results");
                  } /*if*/
            for (;;)
                struct workqueue_entry * const entry = finished;
                if (entry == NULL)
                    finished_last = NULL;
                  } /*if*/
                finished = finished->next;
                DBusMessage * const reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(entry->request);
                if (reply == NULL)
                    fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate D-Bus reply message\n");
                  } /*if*/
                  /* return same type as was passed */
                    unsigned char bresult;
                    unsigned short wresult;
                    unsigned int iresult;
                    const void * argptr;
                    switch (entry->valtype)
                    case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
                        bresult = entry->result;
                        argptr = &bresult;
                    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
                        wresult = entry->result;
                        argptr = &wresult;
                    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
                        iresult = entry->result;
                        argptr = &iresult;
                    case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
                        argptr = &entry->result;
                        fprintf(stderr, "SHOULDN’T OCCUR: arg valtype = %d\n", entry->valtype);
                      } /*switch*/
                    const bool ok = dbus_message_append_args
                        entry->valtype, argptr,
                        DBUS_TYPE_INVALID /* marks end of args */
                    if (not ok)
                        fprintf(stderr, "dbus_message_append_args failure\n");
                      } /*if*/
                    const bool ok = dbus_connection_send(conn, reply, NULL);
                    if (not ok)
                        fprintf(stderr, "dbus_message_send failure\n");
                      } /*if*/
              } /*for*/
          } /*if*/
    const long interval = get_milliseconds() - timeout_start;
    for (int i = 0; i < nr_timeouts; ++i)
        DBusTimeout * const timeout = timeouts[i];
        if (dbus_timeout_get_enabled(timeout) and dbus_timeout_get_interval(timeout) > interval)
            const bool ignore = dbus_timeout_handle(timeout);
          } /*if*/
      } /*for*/
    if (got_io)
      /* if I/O was done, then there may be one or more complete messages received */
        for (;;)
            const DBusDispatchStatus sts = dbus_connection_dispatch(conn);
            if (sts == DBUS_DISPATCH_NEED_MEMORY)
                fprintf(stderr, "dbus_connection_dispatch ran out of memory\n");
              } /*if*/
            if (sts != DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS)
          } /*for*/
      } /*if*/
  } /*handle_event*/

    Slow Computation

static void * compute_primes
    void * data
  /* worker thread routine that can take quite a lot of CPU time to compute its
    result. Given a positive limit integer, it counts up how many prime numbers
    are less than or equal to the limit, using a deliberately naïve and slow
    algorithm. */
    struct workqueue_entry * const context = (struct workqueue_entry *)data;
        const unsigned long limit = context->limit;
        unsigned long result = 0;
        unsigned long step = 1;
        for (unsigned long i = 2;;)
            if (i > limit)
            bool is_prime;
            for (unsigned long j = 2;;)
                if (i / j < j)
                  /* if there are no factors of n ≤ sqrt(n), then there will
                    be no factors > sqrt(n) */
                    is_prime = true;
                  } /*if*/
                if (i % j == 0)
                  /* found a factor */
                    is_prime = false;
                  } /*if*/
              } /*for*/
            if (is_prime)
              } /*if*/
            i += step;
            step = 2;
          } /*for*/
        context->result = result;
    /* return my results */
        const int sts = pthread_mutex_lock(&workqueue_mutex);
        if (sts != 0)
            perror("locking workqueue mutex to return result");
          } /*if*/
    context->next = NULL;
    if (finished == NULL)
        finished = context;
        finished_last = context;
        finished_last->next = context;
        finished_last = context;
      } /*if*/
      { /* wake up mainline */
        unsigned char buf = 0;
        write(notify_send_pipe, &buf, 1);
          /* ignoring error on write, because it would only be a minor hiccup */
  } /*compute_primes*/


static const char *
    const my_bus_name = "com.example.slow_server";
static const char *
    const my_interface_name = my_bus_name;

    libdbus offers a number of different ways of picking up incoming
    D-Bus messages: vtable handlers, message filters, or the
    pop/borrow-message calls. Here I use a message filter.

static DBusHandlerResult handle_message
    DBusConnection * conn,
    DBusMessage * message,
    void * _
    bool handled = false; /* initial assumption */
    const char * const path = dbus_message_get_path(message);
    const char * const interface = dbus_message_get_interface(message);
    const char * const member = dbus_message_get_member(message);
    const char * const signature = dbus_message_get_signature(message);
    fprintf(stderr, "message received of type %d, path %s, interface %s, member %s, signature %s\n", dbus_message_get_type(message), path, interface, member, signature); /* debug */
            dbus_message_get_type(message) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL
            strcmp(interface, my_interface_name) == 0
        fprintf(stderr, "matches my interface\n");
        handled = true; /* next assumption */
        if (strcmp(member, "quit") == 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "quit method received\n");
            quitting = true;
        else if (strcmp(member, "count_primes") == 0)
            if (strlen(signature) == 1)
                unsigned long limit;
                bool ok;
                DBusError dberr;
              /* I’m being a bit lenient here, and accepting any of the unsigned
                integer types. To conform to an introspection spec, I should pick
                one type (the most practicable one in this case being DBUS_TYPE_UINT32)
                and stick to it. */
                if (signature[0] == DBUS_TYPE_BYTE)
                    unsigned char blimit;
                    ok = dbus_message_get_args(message, &dberr, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &blimit);
                    limit = blimit;
                else if (signature[0] == DBUS_TYPE_UINT16)
                    unsigned short wlimit;
                    ok = dbus_message_get_args(message, &dberr, DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, &wlimit);
                    limit = wlimit;
                else if (signature[0] == DBUS_TYPE_UINT32)
                    unsigned int ilimit;
                    ok = dbus_message_get_args(message, &dberr, DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &ilimit);
                    limit = ilimit;
                else if (signature[0] == DBUS_TYPE_UINT64)
                    ok = dbus_message_get_args(message, &dberr, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &limit);
                    handled = false;
                  } /*if*/
                if (handled)
                    struct workqueue_entry * context = (struct workqueue_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct workqueue_entry));
                    if (context == NULL)
                        fprintf(stderr, "malloc of workqueue entry failed\n");
                      } /*if*/
                    context->request = dbus_message_ref(message);
                    context->valtype = signature[0];
                    context->limit = limit;
                    pthread_t child;
                    const int err = pthread_create
                        /*thread =*/ &child,
                        /*attr =*/ NULL,
                        /*start_routine =*/ compute_primes,
                        /*arg =*/ context
                    if (err == 0)
                        fprintf(stderr, "child thread %d created.\n", child);
                        fprintf(stderr, "error %d creating thread: %s\n", err, strerror(err));
                      } /*if*/
                  } /*if*/
              /* dbus_error_free(&dberr); */
                  /* not needed, because I die on error */
                handled = false;
              } /*if*/
            handled = false;
          } /*if*/
      } /*if*/
  } /*handle_message*/

int main
    int argc,
    char ** argv
    DBusError dberr;
  /* dbus_threads_init_default(); */
      /* no need, because all my libdbus calls are confined to the main thread */
    conn = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &dberr);
    check_dbus_error(&dberr, "getting bus connection");
        const int sts = dbus_bus_request_name
            /*connection =*/ conn,
            /*name =*/ my_bus_name,
            /*flags =*/ DBUS_NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE,
            /*error =*/ &dberr
        check_dbus_error(&dberr, "registering bus name");
            fprintf(stderr, "unexpected reply code %d trying to register name\n", sts);
          } /*if*/
        const bool ok = dbus_connection_set_watch_functions
            /*connection =*/ conn,
            /*add_function =*/ add_watch,
            /*remove_function =*/ remove_watch,
            /*toggled_function =*/ toggle_watch,
            /*data =*/ NULL,
            /*free_data_function =*/ NULL
        if (not ok)
            fprintf(stderr, "dbus_connection_set_watch_functions failure\n");
          } /*if*/
        const bool ok = dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions
            /*connection =*/ conn,
            /*add_function =*/ add_timeout,
            /*remove_function =*/ remove_timeout,
            /*toggled_function =*/ toggle_timeout,
            /*data =*/ NULL,
            /*free_data_function =*/ NULL
        if (not ok)
            fprintf(stderr, "dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions failure\n");
          } /*if*/
        const bool ok = dbus_connection_add_filter
            /*connection =*/ conn,
            /*function =*/ handle_message,
            /*user_data =*/ NULL,
            /*free_data_function =*/ NULL
        if (not ok)
            fprintf(stderr, "dbus_connection_add_filter failure\n");
          } /*if*/
        int pipefd[2];
        const int sts = pipe(pipefd);
        if (sts != 0)
            perror("creating notification pipes");
          } /*if*/
        notify_receive_pipe = pipefd[0];
        notify_send_pipe = pipefd[1];
    while (not quitting);
      /* note I don’t bother waiting for any threads to finish! */
    fprintf(stderr, "quitting.\n");
  } /*main*/

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