What would be a valid D-Bus interface name for a project without domain?

Simon McVittie smcv at collabora.com
Wed Jan 24 13:36:13 UTC 2018

On Wed, 24 Jan 2018 at 13:45:19 +0100, Miroslav Kravec wrote:
> But, I think,
> GitHub is good platform for FOSS projects - VCS(GIT), and issue
> tracking. Because, almost everybody is on GitHub.

Then I think it's fair to say that GitHub is part of your project's
identity whether you intended it to be or not. If your users go to GitHub
to report bugs, get new releases and make contributions, then that's a
choice you've made about the project.

> Stuff around
> domain has to be maintained: mail server, mailing lists, DNS records,
> website,... That means, it needs more know-how and more time spent on
> project.

Having your own domain name doesn't require you to run a mail server and
mailing lists. A "domain forwarding" service that redirects web browsers
to whatever website you want (for example GitHub Pages or equivalent)
is enough to give you a central information and distribution point for
your project that is not permanently linked to any particular provider,
and most domain registrars seem to offer that at no additional cost.

To be clear, D-Bus will not (and cannot!) prevent you from using a name
that does not match the reversed domain name convention for a domain
name under your control. However, D-Bus names are often used in multiple
contexts, for example as an "app ID" in the Desktop Entry specification,
and in the AppStream records used by Flatpak. If you use a domain name
not under your control, I certainly can't guarantee that curated "app
stores" like Flathub will be willing to accept it.


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