Seeking DBUS installer tor for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10

Igor Chetverovod chetverovod at
Mon Nov 30 11:24:25 UTC 2020


I have a working D-BUS application for Windows, it is using GDBus.  It
works fine.

Now I want to create an application based on Qt5.5 and QtDbus. Example chat
from Qt kit reports every time:

*Cannot connect to the D-Bus session bus.*
> *Please check your system settings and try again.*

So, it looks like D-BUS daemon does not  start work with the application.
When I try to  start dbus-daemon manually it does not help to fix the issue.

Is there a DBUS installer for Windows or some document describing how to
configure  DBUS on Windows?

Igor PLastov
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