
Thomas Kluyver thomas at kluyver.me.uk
Fri Nov 18 16:37:39 UTC 2022

Hi all,

I've just released a tiny tool called dbus-trace, which can inspect what D-Bus messages a program sends and receives.


The difference from things like dbus-monitor and Bustle is that it sits between a child process and the real bus, passing messages through. This makes it easy to focus on what a single program is doing (no need to figure out its D-Bus unique name), and also means you can see D-Bus messages that are rejected by a proxy (e.g. in a Flatpak sandbox) before they get to the real bus.

This is very minimal at the moment - there are obvious extensions e.g. filtering which messages are shown, or writing to a file, which could be added if it proves useful. But it helped me figure out a real-world issue today, so I thought it was time to write a README and call it 0.1.

Have a good weekend,
Thomas Kluyver

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