DBus watches: DBusAddWatchFunction, unclear how to handle multiple watches

Simon McVittie smcv at collabora.com
Thu May 4 10:28:05 UTC 2023

On Wed, 03 May 2023 at 08:03:20 +0200, Wiebe Cazemier wrote:
> But I have some questions about 'dbus_connection_set_watch_functions()'
> What I find weird, is that I get *two* calls to
> 'DBusAddWatchFunction', for the same fd, but with different DBusWatch
> objects: one with flags set for reading (active) and one for flags set
> for writing (inactive). I'm a bit confused how I'm supposed to deal with
> this, especially in combination with epoll (which gives you the one fd
> and all the flags at once, which ever apply).

For some correct example code, please see the epoll and poll watch/timeout
handlers in the dbus source code (these are not provided as library API
because they aren't extensible or thread-safe, but they're sufficient
for dbus-daemon, which is single-threaded), or the implementations of
watch/timeout/wakeup handling with GLib in various places (dbus-glib,
dbus-python, Avahi).

The short version is that libdbus does not guarantee that it will only
have one watch per fd, so lower-level code needs to be prepared to:
watch the fd for the union of all the flags of multiple watches; when
it is reported as readable, trigger the callbacks of all read-only or
rw watches; and when it is reported as writable, trigger the callbacks
of all write-only or rw watches.

For some lower-level APIs like poll() (which is what libdbus was
originally designed for), it's OK to have multiple watches per fd and
the kernel or C library will handle the multiplexing for us.

For other lower-level APIs like epoll and select() that conceptually
have a map { int fd => DBusWatchFlags flags }, the entry in the map for
each fd must have its flags set to (watch1.flags | watch2.flags | ...)
where watch1, watch2, ... are all the active watches for that fd, and
the watch-handling code is responsible for demultiplexing a result like
"fd 3 is now ready for writing" into calls to the callbacks for all
watches that are interested in writing fd 3.

> The dbus documentation is not clear whether these flags are
> ever combined or not. For instance, it says: "the flags returned
> by dbus_watch_get_flags() will only contain DBUS_WATCH_READABLE and
> DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE". It says 'and', but so far, I've never seen value
> 0x3. Does that happen?

The intended interpretation of that sentence is that READABLE and WRITABLE
are the only two bits that can be set, therefore you can assume that

    flags = dbus_watch_get_flags(w);
    assert(flags == (flags & (DBUS_WATCH_READABLE|DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE)));

will not fail the assertion, and it would be an ABI break for libdbus to
start giving you

I don't think libdbus guarantees that DBUS_WATCH_READABLE and
DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE won't both be set. In the current implementation,
they probably can't be, but if a future version started to set both on
the same watch, I would not consider that to be an API break.

> When it comes to the write watch, so far I've never actually seen
> it used. I expected it to, because the documentation says: "When you
> use dbus_connection_send() or one of its variants to send a message,
> the message is added to the outgoing queue. It's actually written to
> the network later".

As currently implemented, there is an optimization that tries to send
data immediately if there is enough space in the kernel's socket buffer,
up to some arbitrary limit on the amount of data written in one batch
(I think it's somewhere in the range KiB to MiB). This reduces the number
of syscalls by avoiding an unnecessary poll() or equivalent in the common
case where the socket buffer is not already full; the trade-off is that
if the buffer *is* already full, it tries to do a sendmsg() that will fail.

If there is already enough space in the socket buffer (small or infrequent
outgoing messages), then libdbus will just queue it in the socket buffer
immediately, and will never bother to add the write watch.

If there is *not* enough space (large or frequent outgoing messages),
sendmsg() or equivalent will fail with EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK, and libdbus
will respond by adding the write watch. When the kernel has drained some
data from the socket buffer, the write watch's callback will report
that the socket has become writable, and libdbus will resume writing,
until it hits either EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK, its arbitrary limit on bytes
per iteration, or the end of the data that has been queued to be sent.
When its outgoing queue becomes empty, it will disable or remove the
write watch to avoid unnecessary wakeups.

> I'm using 1.12.20-r0. This is beyond my control.

This version is susceptible to several denial-of-service security
vulnerabilities, as well as some known non-security bugs, so please ask
whoever is requiring you to use this version what their strategy is for
solving those.


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