Hi,<br><br>We are trying to build bluetooth stack on an imx.31 (arm based) platform which runs linux.<br>bluetooth chip is connected to imx.31 platform via a serial port.<br>We have native arm compilor available on imx.31, so we are not really cross compiling from another host PC.<br>
I am trying to connect imx.31 to a sony-ericsson mobile handset.<br><br>We have installed the following pkgs on the target.<br>1) bluz-libs-3.36<br>2) bluz-utils-3.36<br>3) dbus-1.2.1<br>4) dbus-glib-0.76<br>5) obexftp-0.22<br>
6) openobex-1.3<br><br>7) expat-2.0.1<br>8) glib-2.14.6<br><br><br>"uname -a" on target returns the following:<br>Linux freescale #352 PREEMPT Thu Jan 1 15:41:08 IST 2009 armv6l unknown<br><br>The following are the steps that we followed to run:<br>
1) hciattach /dev/ttymxc2 bcsp 57600 flow<br>2) hciconfig hci0 up<br>3) bccmd -t hci psload -r /apm6628BT-UART.psr <br>{<br>Note: Sometimes this step pop-ups an msg:<br>bcsp_recv: Error in BCSP hdr checksum<br>}<br>4) killall hciattach<br>
5) hciattach /dev/ttymxc2 bcsp 115200 flow <br>6) hciconfig hci0 up<br>7) rm /var/run/dbus/pid<br>8) dbus-daemon --system<br>9) hcid -n -d -f /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf<br>{Note:<br>This step prints the following information on terminal:<br>
hcid[1696]: Bluetooth HCI daemon<br>hcid[1696]: Enabling debug information<br><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">hcid[1696]: Unable to get on D-Bus</span><br>}<br><br>Later, the follwing step<br>10) hcitool scan<br>find the mobile device: the follwing the information printed on the terminal:<br>
Scanning ...<br> 00:1A:75:5C:20:83 W810i - Ebin<br>11) passkey-agent --default "1234"<br>This steps returns the following msg:<br>"Can't get on system bus"<br>12) /usr/local/bin/obexftp -b 00:1A:75:5C:20:83 -l<br>
The folloing is the msgs printed out:<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Browsing 00:1A:75:5C:20:83 ...<br>Connecting...failed: connect<br>
Interupted/bad reception or the device moved out of range: Operation now in progress<br>Still trying to connect<br>Connecting...failed: connect<br>error on connect(): Function not implemented<br>Still trying to connect<br>
Connecting...failed: connect<br>The user may have rejected the transfer: Connection refused<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<br>Mobile phone asks for the pin (1234), but later it displays an error msg, saying failed to connect.<br><br><br><br>I would like to know if<br>1) I need to install any other pkg, that I have missed out.<br>2) Is there a conflict between the pkgs versions that I have missed out.<br>
3) Any code level modification in any of the pkgs to make it work.<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br>Any suggestions to make it work !<br><br><br><br>Regards,<br>Ebin.<br><br>