Hello,<br>I am having some issues with getting the specified callback function <a href="http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/api/html/group__DBusConnection.html#ga348e43a15f8f2bc5b88651b70ec8dbdd" target="_blank">DBusObjectPathMessageFunction</a> from the DBusObjectPathVTable parameter in dbus_connection_register_<div id=":1l1">
object_path() to be executed on dbus_connection_send() from a client app.<br>
<br>I can only get the <a href="http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/api/html/group__DBusConnection.html#gaf78eab2664f8165f92db9fa9874c0b6d" target="_blank">DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction</a> callback function to be executed, but that only seems that dbus_connection_register_object_path() is not doing it's job. Should I call dbus_bus_request_name() prior to dbus_connection_register_object_path() ?<br>
I am trying to do this using a peer to peer environment (no session bus
involved), just a server app listening for method calls on a private
server (created via dbus_server_listen() ) and the client app connected
using a dbus_connection_open() call. After getting the connection, the
client app should be able to invoke a method call on the remote server,
and this is where the error described above appears. Also, I am trying
to do this with dbus functions (no glib or python bindings involved.).
Am I missing something?<br>
Thank you in advance.</div>