Question about enable polling.

Stef Bon stef at
Sat Oct 2 07:43:59 PDT 2010


I'm using udisks now, and very happy with it. Good work!!

(I'm using a LinuxFRomSCratch system, and building everything from source)

My first impression is that it's far more flexible.

I'm using the udisks to activate the polling like:

udisks --poll-for-media /dev/sr0

Now I see that not only /dev/sr0 is being watched:

ps aux | grep udisks

root     10268  0.0  0.0  14408  3064 ?        SNl  12:55   0:00 
root     10269  0.0  0.0   5884   668 ?        SN   12:55   0:02 
udisks-daemon: polling /dev/sr0 /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sr1

It works perfectly, the cdroms are handled perfectly, but:

a. why does is start polling all the devices /dev/sr0, /dev/sr1 but also 
the usb devices /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd?? On the commandline I've given 
only /dev/sr0??

b. Why does it poll the usb devices anyway? The kernel and udev handles 
everything correct right, so why does udisks bother?

Stef Bon

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