udisks and eSATA: a question about the meaning of "detachable"

Phillip Susi psusi at cfl.rr.com
Tue Jul 12 17:22:24 PDT 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 07/12/2011 05:45 PM, David Zeuthen wrote:
> It's not necessarily something that happens a lot but it happens
> frequently enough to warrant being careful. And while it's nice to
> just hand-wave "oh, you should have turned off the automounter" or
> "you shouldn't have logged into GNOME", experience (specifically I've
> dealt with enterprise customers and partners here at RH) shows that
> it's just not very useful for either party.

Why does one person who installs a DE on a server with a SAN with disks
that are not managed by LVM ( the way most people do SANs ) trump the
hundreds who expect their drives to just work when they plug them in?

Heck, eliminate that point of contention then and instead of opening it
up to all disks, just add sata to the whitelist.   That avoids the crazy
desktop/server on a SAN issue.
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