[appstream] RFC: Software Center & Copyright Assigment

Samuel Verschelde stormi at laposte.net
Fri May 6 01:47:10 PDT 2011

Le vendredi 6 mai 2011 01:40:03, Vincent Untz a écrit :
>  a) Live with it.
>  b) Maintain a "light" fork.
>  c) Completely fork.

Like the others, I'm disappointed by canonical's answer, however I don't feel 
like aggressively forking right now.

My option would be :

start with option a) for some time given Michael Vogt's openness, prepare for 
b) in case we need it, and keep c) as an option if a) and b) both fail.

Working on Frank Karlitschek's proposal d) seems interesting too, if we have 
enough contributers, it would be interesting to see the 2 projects evolve in 
parallel, and could be a means to validate that the foundations are really 
independant from the program we use for applications management.

Best regards

Samuel Verschelde
test instance : (exists for opensuse, 
fedora, mandriva and altlinux too)

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