[RFC PATCH 1/1] drm/exynos: Move platform drivers registration to module init

Javier Martinez Canillas javier.martinez at collabora.co.uk
Thu Nov 20 09:47:41 PST 2014


For completeness I'll comment what we talked with Kevin on IRC
since probably this is the same issue that Paolo is facing.

On 11/20/2014 05:41 PM, Kevin Hilman wrote:
> Peach # setenv preboot "usb start; sleep 1"setenv bootargs console=tty1 console=ttySAC3,115200 debug earlyprintk rw root=/dev/mmcblk1p3 rootwait rootfstype=ext3

My kernel command line is almost the same with the difference that I'm using
clk_ignore_unused and I just checked that not passing that parameter, makes
linux-next to hang showing the same output log that Kevin reported.

Now, the question is why this does not happen with 3.18-rc+? My guess is that
the clock been disabled by the common clock framework got added recently and
it used to be unmanaged and left with the state set by the bootloader since
the kernel didn't know about it. That's why clk_ignore_unused was not needed.

Any ideas?

Best regards,

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