[farsight2/master] Move most of the FsRtpDtmfEventSource code into its base class

Olivier Crête olivier.crete at collabora.co.uk
Tue Dec 23 15:21:41 PST 2008

 gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-dtmf-event-source.c |  355 +-----------------------
 gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.c    |  359 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.h    |   19 +--
 3 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 414 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-dtmf-event-source.c b/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-dtmf-event-source.c
index d3c7e49..f910c8f 100644
--- a/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-dtmf-event-source.c
+++ b/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-dtmf-event-source.c
@@ -45,26 +45,9 @@
-/* props */
-  PROP_0,
 /* all privates variables are protected by the mutex */
 struct _FsRtpDtmfEventSourcePrivate {
   gboolean disposed;
-  GstElement *outer_bin;
-  GstElement *rtpmuxer;
-  GstElement *bin;
-  GThread *stop_thread;
-  GMutex *mutex;
 static FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *parent_class = NULL;
@@ -72,43 +55,16 @@ static FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *parent_class = NULL;
 G_DEFINE_TYPE(FsRtpDtmfEventSource, fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source,
-#define FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE(o)                                 \
+#define FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE(o)                         \
-static void fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_set_property (GObject *object,
-    guint prop_id,
-    const GValue *value,
-    GParamSpec *pspec);
-static void fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_get_property (GObject *object,
-    guint prop_id,
-    GValue *value,
-    GParamSpec *pspec);
-static void fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_dispose (GObject *object);
-static void fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_finalize (GObject *object);
 static GstElement *
 fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_build (FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
     GList *negotiated_codecs,
     FsCodec *selected_codec,
     GError **error);
-static FsRtpSpecialSource *fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_new (
-    FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
-    GList *negotiated_sources,
-    FsCodec *selected_codec,
-    GstElement *bin,
-    GstElement *rtpmuxer,
-    gboolean *last,
-    GError **error);
-static gboolean fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_start_telephony_event (
-    FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
-    guint8 event,
-    guint8 volume,
-    FsDTMFMethod method);
-static gboolean fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_stop_telephony_event (
-    FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
-    FsDTMFMethod method);
 static gboolean fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_class_want_source (
@@ -119,44 +75,15 @@ static GList *fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_class_add_blueprint (
     FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
     GList *blueprints);
-#define FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE_LOCK(src)   g_mutex_lock (src->priv->mutex)
-#define FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE_UNLOCK(src) g_mutex_unlock (src->priv->mutex)
 static void
 fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_class_init (FsRtpDtmfEventSourceClass *klass)
-  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
   FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *spsource_class = FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE_CLASS (klass);
   parent_class = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_parent_class;
-  gobject_class->dispose = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_dispose;
-  gobject_class->finalize = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_finalize;
-  gobject_class->set_property = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_set_property;
-  gobject_class->get_property = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_get_property;
-  spsource_class->new = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_new;
   spsource_class->build = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_build;
   spsource_class->want_source = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_class_want_source;
   spsource_class->add_blueprint = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_class_add_blueprint;
-  spsource_class->start_telephony_event = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_start_telephony_event;
-  spsource_class->stop_telephony_event = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_stop_telephony_event;
-  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
-      PROP_BIN,
-      g_param_spec_object ("bin",
-          "The GstBin to add the elements to",
-          "This is the GstBin where this class adds elements",
-          GST_TYPE_BIN,
-  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
-      g_param_spec_object ("rtpmuxer",
-          "The RTP muxer that the source is linked to",
-          "The RTP muxer that the source is linked to",
-          GST_TYPE_ELEMENT,
   g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (FsRtpDtmfEventSourcePrivate));
@@ -165,140 +92,6 @@ static void
 fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_init (FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self)
   self->priv = FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-  self->priv->disposed = FALSE;
-  self->priv->mutex = g_mutex_new ();
-static gpointer
-stop_source_thread (gpointer data)
-  FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self = FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE (data);
-  gst_element_set_locked_state (self->priv->bin, TRUE);
-  gst_element_set_state (self->priv->bin, GST_STATE_NULL);
-  gst_bin_remove (GST_BIN (self->priv->outer_bin), self->priv->bin);
-  self->priv->bin = NULL;
-  g_object_unref (self);
-  return NULL;
-static void
-fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_dispose (GObject *object)
-  FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self = FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE (object);
-  if (self->priv->disposed)
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (self->priv->bin)
-  {
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    if (self->priv->stop_thread)
-    {
-      GST_DEBUG ("stopping thread for rtpdtmfsrc already running");
-      return;
-    }
-    g_object_ref (self);
-    self->priv->stop_thread = g_thread_create (stop_source_thread, self, FALSE,
-        &error);
-    if (!self->priv->stop_thread)
-    {
-      GST_WARNING ("Could not start stopping thread for FsRtpDtmfEventSource:"
-          " %s", error->message);
-    }
-    g_clear_error (&error);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (self->priv->rtpmuxer)
-  {
-    gst_object_unref (self->priv->rtpmuxer);
-    self->priv->rtpmuxer = NULL;
-  }
-  if (self->priv->outer_bin)
-  {
-    gst_object_unref (self->priv->outer_bin);
-    self->priv->outer_bin = NULL;
-  }
-  self->priv->disposed = TRUE;
-  G_OBJECT_CLASS (fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_parent_class)->dispose (object);
-static void
-fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_finalize (GObject *object)
-  FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self = FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE (object);
-  if (self->priv->mutex)
-    g_mutex_free (self->priv->mutex);
-  self->priv->mutex = NULL;
-  G_OBJECT_CLASS (fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_parent_class)->finalize (object);
-static void
-fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_set_property (GObject *object,
-    guint prop_id,
-    const GValue *value,
-    GParamSpec *pspec)
-  FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self = FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-  {
-    case PROP_BIN:
-      self->priv->outer_bin = g_value_get_object (value);
-      break;
-    case PROP_RTPMUXER:
-      self->priv->rtpmuxer = g_value_get_object (value);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-  }
-static void
-fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_get_property (GObject *object,
-    guint prop_id,
-    GValue *value,
-    GParamSpec *pspec)
- FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self = FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE (object);
-  switch (prop_id)
-  {
-    case PROP_BIN:
-      g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->outer_bin);
-      break;
-    case PROP_RTPMUXER:
-      g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->rtpmuxer);
-      break;
-    default:
-      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-      break;
-  }
@@ -578,147 +371,3 @@ fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_build (FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
   goto done;
-static FsRtpSpecialSource *
-fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_new (FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
-    GList *negotiated_codecs,
-    FsCodec *selected_codec,
-    GstElement *bin,
-    GstElement *rtpmuxer,
-    gboolean *last,
-    GError **error)
-  FsRtpSpecialSource *source = NULL;
-  FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self = NULL;
-  source = g_object_new (FS_TYPE_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE,
-      "bin", bin,
-      "rtpmuxer", rtpmuxer,
-      NULL);
-  g_assert (source);
-  self = FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE (source);
-  self->priv->bin = fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_build (source, negotiated_codecs,
-      selected_codec, error);
-  if (!self->priv->bin)
-  {
-    g_object_unref (self);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (last)
-    last = FALSE;
-  return source;
-static gboolean
-fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_send_event (FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self,
-    GstEvent *event)
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  GstPad *pad;
-  pad = gst_element_get_pad (self->priv->bin, "src");
-  if (!pad)
-  {
-    GST_ERROR ("Could not find the source pad on the rtpdtmfsrc bin");
-    gst_event_unref (event);
-    return FALSE;
-  }
-  ret = gst_pad_send_event (pad, event);
-  gst_object_unref (pad);
-  return ret;
-static gboolean
-fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_start_telephony_event (FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
-    guint8 event,
-    guint8 volume,
-    FsDTMFMethod method)
-  GstStructure *structure = NULL;
-  FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self = FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE (source);
-  gchar *method_str;
-  if (method != FS_DTMF_METHOD_RTP_RFC4733 &&
-      method != FS_DTMF_METHOD_AUTO)
-    return FALSE;
-  structure = gst_structure_new ("dtmf-event",
-      "number", G_TYPE_INT, event,
-      "volume", G_TYPE_INT, volume,
-      "start", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE,
-      "type", G_TYPE_INT, 1,
-      NULL);
-  switch (method)
-  {
-      method_str = "default";
-      break;
-    case FS_DTMF_METHOD_RTP_RFC4733:
-      method_str="RFC4733";
-      gst_structure_set (structure, "method", G_TYPE_INT, 1, NULL);
-      break;
-      method_str="sound";
-      gst_structure_set (structure, "method", G_TYPE_INT, 2, NULL);
-      break;
-    default:
-      method_str="other";
-  }
-  GST_DEBUG ("sending telephony event %d using method=%s",
-      event, method_str);
-  return fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_send_event (self,
-      gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_UPSTREAM, structure));
-static gboolean
-fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_stop_telephony_event (FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
-    FsDTMFMethod method)
-  GstStructure *structure = NULL;
-  FsRtpDtmfEventSource *self = FS_RTP_DTMF_EVENT_SOURCE (source);
-  gchar *method_str;
-  if (method != FS_DTMF_METHOD_RTP_RFC4733 &&
-      method != FS_DTMF_METHOD_AUTO)
-    return FALSE;
-  structure = gst_structure_new ("dtmf-event",
-      "start", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE,
-      "type", G_TYPE_INT, 1,
-      NULL);
-  switch (method)
-  {
-      method_str = "default";
-      break;
-    case FS_DTMF_METHOD_RTP_RFC4733:
-      method_str="RFC4733";
-      gst_structure_set (structure, "method", G_TYPE_INT, 1, NULL);
-      break;
-      method_str="sound";
-      gst_structure_set (structure, "method", G_TYPE_INT, 2, NULL);
-      break;
-    default:
-      method_str="other";
-  }
-  GST_DEBUG ("stopping telephony event using method=%s", method_str);
-  return fs_rtp_dtmf_event_source_send_event (self,
-      gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_UPSTREAM, structure));
diff --git a/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.c b/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.c
index d012d66..292479c 100644
--- a/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.c
+++ b/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.c
@@ -46,21 +46,54 @@
+/* props */
+  PROP_0,
 struct _FsRtpSpecialSourcePrivate {
   gboolean disposed;
+  GstElement *outer_bin;
+  GstElement *rtpmuxer;
+  GstElement *src;
+  GThread *stop_thread;
+  GMutex *mutex;
 static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
 static GList *classes = NULL;
-G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE(FsRtpSpecialSource, fs_rtp_special_source, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE(FsRtpSpecialSource, fs_rtp_special_source,
 #define FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE(o)                                 \
+#define FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE_LOCK(src)   g_mutex_lock (src->priv->mutex)
+#define FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE_UNLOCK(src) g_mutex_unlock (src->priv->mutex)
+static void fs_rtp_special_source_set_property (GObject *object,
+    guint prop_id,
+    const GValue *value,
+    GParamSpec *pspec);
+static void fs_rtp_special_source_get_property (GObject *object,
+    guint prop_id,
+    GValue *value,
+    GParamSpec *pspec);
 static void fs_rtp_special_source_dispose (GObject *object);
+static void fs_rtp_special_source_finalize (GObject *object);
 static FsRtpSpecialSource *
 fs_rtp_special_source_new (FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
@@ -68,7 +101,6 @@ fs_rtp_special_source_new (FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
     FsCodec *selected_codec,
     GstElement *bin,
     GstElement *rtpmuxer,
-    gboolean *last,
     GError **error);
 static gboolean
 fs_rtp_special_source_update (FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
@@ -101,7 +133,28 @@ fs_rtp_special_source_class_init (FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass)
   parent_class = fs_rtp_special_source_parent_class;
+  gobject_class->set_property = fs_rtp_special_source_set_property;
+  gobject_class->get_property = fs_rtp_special_source_get_property;
   gobject_class->dispose = fs_rtp_special_source_dispose;
+  gobject_class->finalize = fs_rtp_special_source_finalize;
+  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+      PROP_BIN,
+      g_param_spec_object ("bin",
+          "The GstBin to add the elements to",
+          "This is the GstBin where this class adds elements",
+          GST_TYPE_BIN,
+  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+      g_param_spec_object ("rtpmuxer",
+          "The RTP muxer that the source is linked to",
+          "The RTP muxer that the source is linked to",
+          GST_TYPE_ELEMENT,
   g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (FsRtpSpecialSourcePrivate));
@@ -111,6 +164,27 @@ fs_rtp_special_source_init (FsRtpSpecialSource *self)
   self->priv = FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
   self->priv->disposed = FALSE;
+  self->priv->mutex = g_mutex_new ();
+static gpointer
+stop_source_thread (gpointer data)
+  FsRtpSpecialSource *self = FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE (data);
+  gst_element_set_locked_state (self->priv->src, TRUE);
+  gst_element_set_state (self->priv->src, GST_STATE_NULL);
+  gst_bin_remove (GST_BIN (self->priv->outer_bin), self->priv->src);
+  self->priv->src = NULL;
+  g_object_unref (self);
+  return NULL;
 static void
@@ -121,11 +195,118 @@ fs_rtp_special_source_dispose (GObject *object)
   if (self->priv->disposed)
+  if (self->priv->disposed)
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (self->priv->src)
+  {
+    GError *error = NULL;
+    if (self->priv->stop_thread)
+    {
+      GST_DEBUG ("stopping thread for special source already running");
+      return;
+    }
+    g_object_ref (self);
+    self->priv->stop_thread = g_thread_create (stop_source_thread, self, FALSE,
+        &error);
+    if (!self->priv->stop_thread)
+    {
+      GST_WARNING ("Could not start stopping thread for FsRtpSpecialSource:"
+          " %s", error->message);
+    }
+    g_clear_error (&error);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (self->priv->rtpmuxer)
+  {
+    gst_object_unref (self->priv->rtpmuxer);
+    self->priv->rtpmuxer = NULL;
+  }
+  if (self->priv->outer_bin)
+  {
+    gst_object_unref (self->priv->outer_bin);
+    self->priv->outer_bin = NULL;
+  }
   self->priv->disposed = TRUE;
   G_OBJECT_CLASS (fs_rtp_special_source_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+fs_rtp_special_source_finalize (GObject *object)
+  FsRtpSpecialSource *self = FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE (object);
+  if (self->priv->mutex)
+    g_mutex_free (self->priv->mutex);
+  self->priv->mutex = NULL;
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (fs_rtp_special_source_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+fs_rtp_special_source_set_property (GObject *object,
+    guint prop_id,
+    const GValue *value,
+    GParamSpec *pspec)
+  FsRtpSpecialSource *self = FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE (object);
+  switch (prop_id)
+  {
+    case PROP_BIN:
+      self->priv->outer_bin = g_value_get_object (value);
+      break;
+    case PROP_RTPMUXER:
+      self->priv->rtpmuxer = g_value_get_object (value);
+      break;
+    default:
+      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+      break;
+  }
+static void
+fs_rtp_special_source_get_property (GObject *object,
+    guint prop_id,
+    GValue *value,
+    GParamSpec *pspec)
+ FsRtpSpecialSource *self = FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE (object);
+  switch (prop_id)
+  {
+    case PROP_BIN:
+      g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->outer_bin);
+      break;
+    case PROP_RTPMUXER:
+      g_value_set_object (value, self->priv->rtpmuxer);
+      break;
+    default:
+      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+      break;
+  }
 static GList*
 fs_rtp_special_source_class_add_blueprint (FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
     GList *blueprints)
@@ -220,19 +401,15 @@ fs_rtp_special_sources_update (
         if (!fs_rtp_special_source_update (obj, negotiated_codecs, send_codec))
-          gboolean last;
           current_extra_sources = g_list_remove (current_extra_sources, obj);
           g_object_unref (obj);
           obj = fs_rtp_special_source_new (klass, negotiated_codecs, send_codec,
-              bin, rtpmuxer, &last, error);
+              bin, rtpmuxer, error);
           if (!obj)
             goto error;
-          if (last)
-            current_extra_sources = g_list_append (current_extra_sources, obj);
-          else
-            current_extra_sources = g_list_prepend (current_extra_sources, obj);
+          current_extra_sources = g_list_append (current_extra_sources, obj);
@@ -246,16 +423,11 @@ fs_rtp_special_sources_update (
       if (fs_rtp_special_source_class_want_source (klass, negotiated_codecs,
-        gboolean last;
         obj = fs_rtp_special_source_new (klass, negotiated_codecs, send_codec,
-            bin, rtpmuxer, &last, error);
+            bin, rtpmuxer, error);
         if (!obj)
           goto error;
-        if (last)
-          current_extra_sources = g_list_append (current_extra_sources, obj);
-        else
-          current_extra_sources = g_list_prepend (current_extra_sources, obj);
+        current_extra_sources = g_list_append (current_extra_sources, obj);
@@ -272,17 +444,33 @@ fs_rtp_special_source_new (FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
     FsCodec *selected_codec,
     GstElement *bin,
     GstElement *rtpmuxer,
-    gboolean *last,
     GError **error)
-  if (klass->new)
-    return klass->new (klass, negotiated_codecs, selected_codec, bin, rtpmuxer,
-        last, error);
+  FsRtpSpecialSource *source = NULL;
-  g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
-      "new not defined for %s", G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass));
+  if (!klass->build)
+  {
+    g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+        "Could not build new %s source", G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass));
+    return NULL;
+  }
-  return NULL;
+  source = g_object_new (G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (klass),
+      "bin", bin,
+      "rtpmuxer", rtpmuxer,
+      NULL);
+  g_assert (source);
+  source->priv->src = klass->build (source, negotiated_codecs, selected_codec,
+      error);
+  if (!source->priv->src)
+  {
+    g_object_unref (source);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return source;
 static gboolean
@@ -298,48 +486,133 @@ fs_rtp_special_source_update (FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
-fs_rtp_special_sources_start_telephony_event (GList *current_extra_sources,
-      guint8 event,
-      guint8 volume,
-      FsDTMFMethod method)
+static gboolean
+fs_rtp_special_source_send_event (FsRtpSpecialSource *self,
+    GstEvent *event)
+  gboolean ret = FALSE;
+  GstPad *pad;
+  pad = gst_element_get_pad (self->priv->src, "src");
+  if (!pad)
+  {
+    GST_ERROR ("Could not find the source pad on the special source");
+    gst_event_unref (event);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  ret = gst_pad_send_event (pad, event);
+  gst_object_unref (pad);
+  return ret;
+static gboolean
+fs_rtp_special_sources_send_event (GList *current_extra_sources,
+    GstEvent *event)
   GList *item = NULL;
+  gst_event_ref (event);
   for (item = g_list_first (current_extra_sources);
        item = g_list_next (item))
     FsRtpSpecialSource *source = item->data;
-    FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass = FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE_GET_CLASS (source);
+    if (fs_rtp_special_source_send_event (source, event))
+    {
+      gst_event_unref (event);
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  gst_event_unref (event);
+  return FALSE;
-    if (klass->start_telephony_event)
-      if (klass->start_telephony_event (source, event, volume, method))
-        return TRUE;
+fs_rtp_special_sources_start_telephony_event (GList *current_extra_sources,
+      guint8 event,
+      guint8 volume,
+      FsDTMFMethod method)
+  GstStructure *structure = NULL;
+  gchar *method_str;
+  if (method != FS_DTMF_METHOD_RTP_RFC4733 &&
+      method != FS_DTMF_METHOD_AUTO)
+    return FALSE;
+  structure = gst_structure_new ("dtmf-event",
+      "number", G_TYPE_INT, event,
+      "volume", G_TYPE_INT, volume,
+      "start", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE,
+      "type", G_TYPE_INT, 1,
+      NULL);
+  switch (method)
+  {
+      method_str = "default";
+      break;
+    case FS_DTMF_METHOD_RTP_RFC4733:
+      method_str="RFC4733";
+      gst_structure_set (structure, "method", G_TYPE_INT, 1, NULL);
+      break;
+      method_str="sound";
+      gst_structure_set (structure, "method", G_TYPE_INT, 2, NULL);
+      break;
+    default:
+      method_str="other";
-  return FALSE;
+  GST_DEBUG ("sending telephony event %d using method=%s",
+      event, method_str);
+  return fs_rtp_special_sources_send_event (current_extra_sources,
+      gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_UPSTREAM, structure));
 fs_rtp_special_sources_stop_telephony_event (GList *current_extra_sources,
     FsDTMFMethod method)
-  GList *item = NULL;
+  GstStructure *structure = NULL;
+  gchar *method_str;
-  for (item = g_list_first (current_extra_sources);
-       item;
-       item = g_list_next (item))
-  {
-    FsRtpSpecialSource *source = item->data;
-    FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass = FS_RTP_SPECIAL_SOURCE_GET_CLASS (source);
+  if (method != FS_DTMF_METHOD_RTP_RFC4733 &&
+      method != FS_DTMF_METHOD_AUTO)
+    return FALSE;
-    if (klass->stop_telephony_event)
-      if (klass->stop_telephony_event (source, method))
-        return TRUE;
+  structure = gst_structure_new ("dtmf-event",
+      "start", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FALSE,
+      "type", G_TYPE_INT, 1,
+      NULL);
+  switch (method)
+  {
+      method_str = "default";
+      break;
+    case FS_DTMF_METHOD_RTP_RFC4733:
+      method_str="RFC4733";
+      gst_structure_set (structure, "method", G_TYPE_INT, 1, NULL);
+      break;
+      method_str="sound";
+      gst_structure_set (structure, "method", G_TYPE_INT, 2, NULL);
+      break;
+    default:
+      method_str="other";
-  return FALSE;
+  GST_DEBUG ("stopping telephony event using method=%s", method_str);
+  return fs_rtp_special_sources_send_event (current_extra_sources,
+      gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_UPSTREAM, structure));
 GList *
diff --git a/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.h b/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.h
index 9193bda..62b10ba 100644
--- a/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.h
+++ b/gst/fsrtpconference/fs-rtp-special-source.h
@@ -69,30 +69,13 @@ struct _FsRtpSpecialSourceClass
       GList *negotiated_codecs,
       FsCodec *selected_codec);
-  gboolean (*start_telephony_event) (FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
-      guint8 event,
-      guint8 volume,
-      FsDTMFMethod method);
-  gboolean (*stop_telephony_event) (FsRtpSpecialSource *source,
-      FsDTMFMethod method);
-  /* Class methods */
+   /* Class methods */
   gboolean (*want_source) (FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
       GList *negotiated_codecs,
       FsCodec *selected_codec);
   GList* (*add_blueprint) (FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
       GList *blueprints);
-  FsRtpSpecialSource* (*new) (FsRtpSpecialSourceClass *klass,
-      GList *negotiated_sources,
-      FsCodec *selected_codec,
-      GstElement *bin,
-      GstElement *rtpmuxer,
-      gboolean *last,
-      GError **error);

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