[Fontconfig] Still Baffled

John Lowell johnlowell at ameritech.net
Sat Feb 19 06:16:06 EST 2005

On 02/18/05 13:58:28, Manish Singh wrote:
> Also, even though the same version is reported on the 3 distros, they
> may be applying local patches to the code which code change behavior.
> I'd look for differences in config first though, and yeah, you should
> check both files.
> -Yosh

Thanks, Yosh.

You know, having literally transported the configuration files distro  
to distro in perhaps a further naive attempt to elliminate the  
differences, I was still unable to do so. I think the code patching -  
and certainly there has been code patching - has to explain the  
difference. In the final analysis, I'm just not in a position to do  
anything about that. Raw determination and persistence doesn't always  
fix things, it would seem.


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