[Fontconfig] font priorities?

Paul Wise pabs3 at bonedaddy.net
Sun Mar 5 04:04:35 PST 2006

Hi all,

I'm packaging the khmer ttf fonts for Debian[1], they are "Khmer OS",
"Khmer OS Fasthand", "Khmer OS Freehand", "Khmer OS Metal Chrieng",
"Khmer OS Muol" and "Khmer OS System". I'd like to prioritise the fonts
like this: "Khmer OS" > "Khmer OS System" > the rest, since the rest are
more decorative fonts. I checked fonts-conf(5), but I'm still not sure
how to do this. Does anyone have any idea how to to go about this? Also,
the debian font manager defoma has a way to assign priority values (from
0 to 100) for each font file, is there an equivalent in fontconfig?

     1. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/x11/ttf-khmeros


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