[Fontconfig] [PATCH] fix a potentional memory leak

Patrick Lam prof.lam at gmail.com
Sat Nov 8 17:01:55 PST 2008

On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 7:32 PM, Maarten Maathuis <madman2003 at gmail.com> wrote:
> It is my understanding that if realloc returns NULL, it did nothing.
> You then proceed to allocate and copy manually
> As far as i understand you should also free e0 afterwards. This should
> be confirmed by someone who knows the code.

I think that the free will fail, or do bad things, when e0 was
pointing inside a block that was mmapped, which is the case where the
!e branch gets taken (either that, or the system is out of memory).


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