[Fontconfig] Changing to hintslight globally by default + hintfull for otfs

Nikolaus Waxweiler madigens at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 06:38:36 PST 2015

So there is a change of strategy over at FreeType.

Someone thought my attempt to leave all the font rendering configuration 
to fontconfig is misguided and pointed out that hintslight commonly 
translates to FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT, which implies what I want to achieve 
with hintfull for .otfs. So FreeType master changed the meaning of 
FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT to "Use native Y-only-snapping if driver and font 
supports it and Y-only autohinter otherwise". This encompasses future 
additions to the LIGHT mode, e.g. once ClearType is fully supported.

This makes my per-font-format-configuration obsolete to me because this 
way is much more elegant. You can ignore my posted .confs.

What still stands is my wish to set hintslight as the global default. I 
saw that Ubuntu ships with several additional confs, I attached the 
patches from the Ubuntu package. How about upstreaming this? They use 
10-antialias.conf, 10-hinting.conf and 10-hinting-slight.conf by default.
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