[fprint] Would you please help to create the function to update the template for "verify" and "identify"?

Bastien Nocera hadess at hadess.net
Thu Jan 24 14:28:26 UTC 2019

On Thu, 2019-01-24 at 10:19 +0800, Dave.Wang wrote:
> Hi Bastien,
> Thanks for your detailed reply!
> Unfortunately, our "match on chip" device need to load template from
> disk, it does not have persistent storage..
> I think we will need your help as below to implement "update
> template":
> 1. The way which can transfer updated template from driver to
> verify/identify AP through libfprint 
> 2. the verify/identify AP in fprintd need to store the updated
> template into disk
> Any suggestion or help will be really appreciate.

Not right now, no, as mentioned in my reply:
> Is there any way you could try implementing your driver without that
> feature first, and then we can figure out how to implement the
> template update on disk.

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