[fprint] HP Dragonfly - Fingerprint reader support

frino at gmx.net frino at gmx.net
Thu Jan 28 06:51:32 UTC 2021

Hi everyone,

I would like some advice on how to support a new finger print reader device from 
synaptics that is currently not supported in fprint added to the list. 

Do let me know what information is required. 
This is what I have been able to dig up until now. 

🕙 02:17:19 ➜  lsusb
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 04f2:b690 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd HP HD Camera
*Bus 001 Device 002: ID 06cb:00c4 Synaptics, Inc. (I believe this is the device) *
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 8087:0029 Intel Corp. AX200 Bluetooth
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

I believe the device is a synaptics device - haven't been able to dig in more but looks 
like there are very similar prod vendor id's that are already supported in the codebase. 
Do I need anything else other than libfprint - I run gnome 3.38.3 but still can't find the 
finger print options in my user management - I tried fingerprint-gui as well but no luck 

I attempted to build it in myself by adding the new prod id in the code base - not sure 
where to go from here - I figured since it is the same vendor they may have the same 
interface and commands - but I think I need some direction from here - not too familar 
with the meson build system and how to go from here. 

_Below is a diff showing the changes I have attempted _
🕙 00:43:05 ➜  git diff
diff --git a/data/autosuspend.hwdb b/data/autosuspend.hwdb
index 7a78068..9d498bb 100644
--- a/data/autosuspend.hwdb
+++ b/data/autosuspend.hwdb
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ usb:v06CBp00DF*
diff --git a/libfprint/drivers/synaptics/synaptics.c b/libfprint/drivers/synaptics/
index b4711fa..d541bc7 100644
--- a/libfprint/drivers/synaptics/synaptics.c
+++ b/libfprint/drivers/synaptics/synaptics.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ static const FpIdEntry id_table[] = {
   { .vid = SYNAPTICS_VENDOR_ID,  .pid = 0xF9,  },
   { .vid = SYNAPTICS_VENDOR_ID,  .pid = 0xFC,  },
   { .vid = SYNAPTICS_VENDOR_ID,  .pid = 0xC2,  },
*+  { .vid = SYNAPTICS_VENDOR_ID,  .pid = 0xC4,  },*
   { .vid = SYNAPTICS_VENDOR_ID,  .pid = 0xC9,  },
   { .vid = SYNAPTICS_VENDOR_ID,  .pid = 0xE7,  },
   { .vid = 0,  .pid = 0,  .driver_data = 0 },   /* terminating entry */

Any guidance or next steps would be quite helpful.  I am willing to help with coding 
testing etc. 


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