[Fribidi-discuss] type of fribidi_iso8859_8_to_unicode changed in CVS

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at bamdad.org
Mon Dec 31 15:43:03 EST 2001


As you may know, we didn't assume that FriBidiChar* strings has been 
terminated with a U+0000, and ask for length in all functions, then I 
found it better to do the same assumption on char* strings, its a bit 
weird, but makes things more clean, as all the fribidi_*_to_unicode 
functions used to have a line 'int len = strlen(s);', then I decided 
to ask for len in input, It has the advantage that you can pass a part 
of string to converter, I used to terminate my strings in middle, and 
then restore the poor charater back and continue....

As we are still below release 1.x.y, I let myself to change the 
interface a little, also added a FRIBIDI_INTERFACE_VERSION macro, 
which will be increased with each interface change.

If you cannot pass a strlen(s) yourself, I can define some macros to
do this for you, or maybe you're right, I should rename the new 
interface, define the old ones as before, let me know.

Also I encourage you to use
'fribidi_charset_to_unicode(FRIBIDI_CHARSET_ISO8859_8, ...) instead.


On Tue, 1 Jan 2002, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> Hi
> I noticed that fribidi_iso8859_8_to_unicode of 0.10pre has a "length"
> parameter, unlike all previous versions (up to 0.9.1).
> Why is that?
> (It breaks my program)

11 Dey 1380, 2002 Jan 1

[Finger for Geek Code]

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