[FriBidi] FriBidi perl module doesn't work for me...

Thurn, Martin martin.thurn at ngc.com
Wed Sep 21 12:24:31 PDT 2005

  I am trying to integrate fribidi into my perl program.  On linux
Fedora Core 3 I have ActivePerl build 813, fribidi 0.10.5, FriBidi-0.05.
The perl module passes all tests.
  I have a little string of Arabic (6 letters).  I convert it to UTF-32
so it looks like this:
0\000\006'\000\000\006C".  When I pass this into log2vis, I get the
exact same string back.
  Is there any way to turn on fribidi debugging via the API?
  Is anyone currently successfully using FriBidi perl module?  Can you
show me some sample code?  
  Can anyone provide some REAL UNICODE test cases, preferable Arabic,
not just the capital letter jazz?
  Thank you.

 - - Martin 

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