RFC: civic location

Andrew Turner ajturner at highearthorbit.com
Fri Jun 15 06:29:46 PDT 2007

On 6/15/07, Jussi Kukkonen <jhkukkon at cc.hut.fi> wrote:
>   ** Civic Location **
> This is what I've been calling the kind of location information that
> includes data like a street address, country name or post code. I rate
> civic location support a high priority issue for Geoclue for two
> reasons:
>  1. Lots of applications will want to use this data instead of lat/lon
>  2. Human readable location information makes demoing GeoClue easy

There is civic location - and there is also Toponym. Geonames.org will
be an incredible resource for this. For geocoding lat/lon into
location name (eiffel tower) instead of just address. It also has
exonyms/endonyms - all the names the location is referred to in any
number of languages.

> Just so you know: As a learning exercise I actually already coded a
> prototype civiclocation interface, hostip-implementation and some
> example-code. I can commit this if you want to take a look (it
> doesn't break other things as far as I can see ;) ), or I can wait
> after the discussion here.
> Some open issues that I'd like comments on:
> * Is Civic location an interface of it's own or should the
>   functionality go into Positioning-backends? I originally thought a
>   new backend type would be good idea, but am not 100% sure anymore...
>   Some reasons for using a new interface:
>     * the api might get fairly large (see below)
>     * a lat/lon source is not necessarily a civic location source
>       (and e.g. selecting GPS as the default backend would mean no
>        civic location)

Some services will optionally be able to provide civic location. For
example - Loki (wifi-geopositioning) can return street, city, region,
country with lat/lon.

I would think to make this generic, just allow civic location as an
optional parameter in the Positioning-backend interface. Similarly,
lat/lon should be optional (as a service may provide *only*
civic/toponymic location)

Then I think another layer/service would be 'lookup' services. Like
geocoders. These would take in either lat/lon or civic and return the
full response of lat/lon & civic (would reflect back the input or
possibly even clean it up (correct spelling, punctuation, fill in
missing parameters like postcode or region))

So not it looks like:

--- (lat/lon && civic) ---
|     Geoclue         |   =(lat/lon || civic )=>     |  Services |
|                          |   <=(lat/lon && civic)=   |                |
--- ((lat/lon || civic)   ---
---    && 'accuracy') ---

> * The API. Currently my prototype is very spartan, only one method
>   (and the hostip implementation actually only fills country and city):
>       current_location (country, city, street, house_number)
>   We may want convenience methods like the one above (implemented either
>   in bindings or in server), but we'll probably also want methods for
>   singular elements, e.g.
>       country (OUT_country)
>   The elements we may want to support can be picked from this list
>   (from IETF rfc 4119):
>    +----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+
>    | Label                | Description          | Example             |
>    +----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+
>    | country              | The country          | US                  |
>    |                      | (ISO 3166 code)      |                     |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | A1                   | national             | New York            |
>    |                      | subdivisions (state, |                     |
>    |                      | region, province)    |                     |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | A2                   | county, parish,      | King's County       |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | A3                   | city, township,      | New York            |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | A4                   | city division,       | Manhattan           |
>    |                      | borough,             |                     |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | A5                   | neighborhood, block  | Morningside Heights |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | A6                   | street               | Broadway            |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | PRD                  | Leading street       | N, W                |
>    |                      | direction            |                     |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | POD                  | Trailing street      | SW                  |
>    |                      | suffix               |                     |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | STS                  | Street suffix        | Avenue, Platz,      |
>    |                      |                      | Street              |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | HNO                  | House number,        | 123                 |
>    |                      | numeric part only.   |                     |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | HNS                  | House number suffix  | A, 1/2              |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | LMK                  | Landmark or vanity   | Low Library         |
>    |                      | address              |                     |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | LOC                  | Additional location  | Room 543            |
>    |                      | information          |                     |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | FLR                  | Floor                | 5                   |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | NAM                  | Name (residence,     | Joe's Barbershop    |
>    |                      | business or office   |                     |
>    |                      | occupant)            |                     |
>    |                      |                      |                     |
>    | PC                   | Postal code          | 10027-0401          |
>    +----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+
> * Combining / standardizing interfaces
>   This is how we use/produce location info right now:
>     * position                    IN: -           OUT: lat/lon
>     * geocode (addr_to_latlon)    IN: civic       OUT: lat/lon
>     * geocode (latlon_to_addr)    IN: lat/lon     OUT: civic
>     * civiclocation               IN: -           OUT: civic
>   We should probably make sure that at least the interfaces that have
>   the same output types have the same interface (as much as possible).
>   Other ideas? Is the current interface division a smart one?
> * backends using other interfaces/backends
>   It's possible (and probably smart) to write backends that use
>   other backends to get the data. Example:
>     A civiclocation backend uses the position interface (e.g. GPS
>     backend) to get lat/lon and then the geocode interface (e.g.
>     yahoo backend) to get civic location.
>   Is this a good idea? Is there anything preventing this?
>  -jussi
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Andrew Turner
ajturner at highearthorbit.com      42.2774N x 83.7611W
http://highearthorbit.com              Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

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