Looking at the API

keith preston keithpre at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 12:22:01 PST 2007

Wow, this sounds amazing good.   I will comment on the ideas that I
care about.....   Otherwise onward toward 1.0!

On Nov 9, 2007 1:23 PM, iain <iain at openedhand.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Jussi and I have been taking a look at the Geoclue API recently and
> looking at ways to improve it. Apologies that this email is so long.
> The current D-Bus interfaces are quite large and repetitive, so we have
> removed the common elements and made the interfaces more fine grained.
> The advantage in this is that the backends only need to implement the
> interfaces that they support. It makes no sense for the hostip backend
> to have methods dealing with direction of travel or satellites. This
> also allows clients to check what methods a backend supports - asking
> for a DBusProxy on an interface which doesn't exist will return NULL
> [1]. The master process will hopefully use this to be able to switch
> backends easily.
> The interfaces we have come up with at the moment are:
>  * org.freedesktop.Geoclue
>  * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Position
>  * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Velocity
>  * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Address
>  * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Geocode
>  * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.ReverseGeocode
>  * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Accuracy
>  * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Satellites
> I'll go through each of these interfaces and explain where our thinking
> about them is coming from.
> * org.freedesktop.Geoclue - This contains all the common metadata about
> the backend
>  <interface name="org.freedesktop.Geoclue">
>     <property name="ServiceName" type="s" access="read"/>
>     <method name="GetVersion">
>         <arg name="major" type="i" direction="out" />
>         <arg name="minor" type="i" direction="out" />
>         <arg name="micro" type="i" direction="out" />
>     </method>
>     <method name="GetStatus" />
>     <signal name="StatusChanged" />
>     <method name="Shutdown" />
> </interface>

I still like the idea of services providing certain level of Human
readable strings.   Here we have ServiceName, but I think we could
also have ServiceDescription.   A longer version so that people can
understand how their computer knows where they are.

> We're not sure yet how best to do GetStatus and StatusChanged. The
> thinking behind it is that the master process would be able to use that
> to check if a backend can currently be used, IE a GPS backend's status
> would indicate that it cannot be used if the GPS device isn't connected,
> or a backend that requires network access would indicate that it cannot
> be used if the network has disappeared.
> The main problem with this is that it would require backends to have a
> lot of complex logic and maybe have a lot more dependencies
> (network-manager for knowledge about networks, but then we have the
> problem of what to do when network-manager isn't used.) This may just be
> more trouble than its worth, but we think we'll know more about the
> requirements when we come to do the master process which is why we left
> them in for the time being.

I don't think that it would require a lot of complex knowledge.   You
can make your backend as smart as you want based on the dependencies
it need.   We just provide clean interfaces.

> * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Position - A latitude/longitude position
> interface
> <interface name="org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Position">
>     <method name="GetPosition">
>         <arg type="i" name="fields" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="i" name="timestamp" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="d" name="latitude" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="d" name="longitude" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="d" name="altitude" direction="out" />
>     </method>
>     <signal name="PositionChanged">
>         <arg type="i" name="fields" />
>         <arg type="i" name="timestamp" />
>         <arg type="d" name="latitude" />
>         <arg type="d" name="longitude" />
>         <arg type="d" name="altitude" />
>     </signal>
> </interface>
> This interface simply contains the latitude/longitude position as some
> backends can provide this but not a civic location (like GPS), and some
> vice versa. It should be fairly self explanatory :) The fields arg is a
> bitmask that indicates what other arguments contain valid data, for
> example if only latitude and longitude are known then the fields would
> indicate that, and the client would know not to do anything with the
> altitude arguement. This is needed because there isn't really any valid
> "not set" value for any of the arguments.

Fields is a good idea......

> * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Velocity - Current course information
> <interface name="org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Velocity">
>     <method name="GetVelocity">
>         <arg type="i" name="fields" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="i" name="timestamp" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="d" name="speed" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="d" name="direction" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="d" name="climb" direction="out" />
>     </method>
>     <signal name="VelocityChanged">
>         <arg type="i" name="fields" />
>         <arg type="i" name="timestamp" />
>         <arg type="d" name="speed" />
>         <arg type="d" name="direction" />
>         <arg type="d" name="climb" />
>     </signal>
> </interface>
> Again, similar to the Position interface it has been split out from the
> original geoclue.position interface as it is specific to certain
> backends.
> * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Address - A Civic location interface
> <interface name="org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Address">
>     <method name="GetAddress">
>         <arg type="i" name="fields" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="i" name="timestamp" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="country_code" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="country" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="region" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="locality" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="area" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="postalcode" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="street" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="description" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="text" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="uri" direction="out" />
>     </method>
>     <signal name="AddressChanged">
>         <arg type="i" name="fields" />
>         <arg type="i" name="timestamp" />
>         <arg type="s" name="country_code" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="country" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="region" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="locality" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="area" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="postalcode" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="street" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="description" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="text" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="uri" direction="out" />
>     </signal>
> </interface>
> This interface contains the human understandable location address. It
> was originally the civic location methods, but Address seemed more
> understandable. We also removed the incredibly fine grained building
> name, floor and room number, as we didn't think many services would be
> that accurate.

I think we should also provide a separate method for fuzzy logic
search.    Where the application can provide 1 text string and it
returns an lat lon.  (Like google)

> * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Geocode - Geocoding interface
> * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.ReverseGeocode
> <interface name="org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Geocode">
>     <method name="AddressToPosition">
>         <arg type="s" name="countrycode" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="country" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="region" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="locality" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="area" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="postalcode" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="street" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="description" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="text" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="uri" direction="in" />
>         <arg name="fields" type="i" direction="out" />
>         <arg name="latitude" type="d" direction="out" />
>         <arg name="longitude" type="d" direction="out" />
>         <arg name="altitude" type="d" direction="out" />
>     </method>
> </interface>
> <interface name="org.freedesktop.Geoclue.ReverseGeocode">
>     <method name="PositionToAddress">
>         <arg name="latitude" type="d" direction="in" />
>         <arg name="longitude" type="d" direction="in" />
>         <arg type="s" name="countrycode" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="country" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="region" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="locality" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="area" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="postalcode" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="street" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="description" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="text" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="s" name="uri" direction="out" />
>     </method>
> Geocode and reverse geocoding have been seperated out into two
> interfaces so that backends can support one and not the other.
> * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Accuracy - An interface for reporting accuracy
> <interface name="org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Accuracy">
>     <method name="GetAccuracy">
>         <arg type="i" name="level" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="d" name="horizontal" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="d" name="vertical" direction="out" />
>     </method>
> <signal name="AccuracyChanged" />
>         <arg type="i" name="level" />
>         <arg type="d" name="horizontal" />
>         <arg type="d" name="vertical" />
>     </signal>
> </interface>
> In the original position interface there were methods and signals which
> returned the latitudinal and longitudinal accuracy, but we changed this
> to better match the accuracy that a GPS reports. The level argument will
> need some explaining, Jussi and I discussed it the most of everything we
> did, so it might be controversial.
> The level is an enum giving a fuzzy version of the accuracy. I envision
> it having levels like this:
> These enums represent a backend's inability to give a sensible result in
> metres, and so rely on the user knowing the context behind being
> informed that a location is city level accurate. The example is given on
> the geoclue website that Boston is more than simply a point at the
> corner of Tremont and Beacon Street.
> There is also an enum GEOCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_DETAILED which is used when
> we know the accuracy in metres (as given by a GPS or some other way).
> In my head, these levels also come into play in the map interfaces, but
> I've not convinced Jussi of this yet :)

Hmmm.... I don't think this is bad, but here's how I would implement
it.   First of all you probably want 3d accuracy and not 2d accuracy.
 Secondly,  I would have the interface give raw meters and then put
convenience methods on both sides of the api for using these meta
fuzzy enums.   The enums would define ranges in meters.

getAccurracy(&hor, &ver, & alt)
GEOCLUE_ACCURACY accuracy = meta_accuracy(hor, ver)

> * org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Satellites - Interface for backends to provide
> extra satellite details.
> <interface name="org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Satellites">
>         <method name="GetSatellites">
>                 <arg type="i" name="timestamp" direction="out" />
>                 <arg type="i" name="number_in_use" direction="out" />
>                 <arg type="i" name="number_in_view" direction="out" />
>                 <arg type="ai" name="id" direction="out" />
>                 <arg type="ab" name="in_use" direction="out" />
>                 <arg type="ad" name="elevation" direction="out" />
>                 <arg type="ad" name="azimuth" direction="out" />
>                 <arg type="ad" name="snr" direction="out" />
>         </method>
> </interface>

I didn't realize until the third time I saw this, but I would like to
keep all satellite data in 1 DBus transfer ( 12 round trip calls a
second can be dreadfully slow)

> The advantage of the multiple interface idea is that backends can be
> made up of a mix of different ones, and we can have specialised
> interfaces like a Satellites interface, which only a GPS backend could
> provide. We aren't 100% convinced about the usefulness of being this
> specific yet, but  we can see some usecases for it.
> Observant readers (if they've managed to get this far, apologies again
> for the length) will have noticed that there is no status in any of the
> other interfaces. This is because we feel that D-Bus errors should
> suffice, giving both an error code, and a text description of any errors
> or problems that may have occurred.
> For example the GPS backend could emit an error like
> GEOCLUE_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE with the error message "GPS device not
> connected", and a web based backend could emit the same error code, but
> with the message "Could not reach http://hostip.com" and the client
> would be able to handle them the same way.
> Finally we have not covered all the interfaces yet. Notably missing so
> far is the mapping interface and to a lesser extent the master and find
> interfaces. We felt that the best plan for the map interface may be to
> look at one free map provider (like openstreetmap) and write a good
> interface for it, but we haven't come up with anything concrete yet.

I think we really need to solidify the position interface first,  the
mapping interface can be next and the find, well that is really was
just a braindump about 12 months ago.   When we get the more important
ones there, the rest will follow.

> The find interface we're not sure what Keith's plans were for it, there
> are no backends written for it, so we'll need to discuss that with him.
> Hopefully this isn't too much of a shake up? Please feel free to comment
> on anything, and Jussi will correct anything I've forgotten to mention
> or got wrong :)
> iain
> [1] - This is similar to the way Telepathy handles the multitude of
> capabilities from different instant messenger services.
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