Usage questions regarding DBus interface

Eckhart Wörner ewoerner at
Sun Mar 22 08:03:39 PDT 2009

Hi everybody,

I've been experimenting a bit with the Geoclue DBus Interfaces and ran into 
several problems. Unfortunately the DBus interfaces are not specified that 
well. I've tried to use the C api documentation where applicable.

- Under which circumstances is the MasterClient.SetRequirements call supposed 
to fail? Does it fail if requirements are currently not met? (In my 
experiments, I always get an error when calling SetRequirements (using 
parameters 0, 1000, false, 1023), however, accessing the gpsd position 
provider worked fine)

- What requirements are set as default for the MasterClient? Is it possible to 
call MasterClient.GetPositionProvider without calling 
MasterClient.SetRequirements first?

- In my experiments I experienced MasterClient.GetPositionProvider succeeding 
with 4 empty strings.

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