
turkey zhu turkeyzhu at
Wed Sep 4 00:36:36 PDT 2013


i am a new learner of gstreamer, and in my program, i want use gstreamer in
android to send 6(D1) camera video.

i know the support the NDk for android,but i do not want to
use the way of apk. i git ur demo source, and i want to configure it  in
android, i put it in /Android_src/external/ as gstreamer_top,and the like this:


turkeyzhu at turkeyzhu:~/Android_src/external/gstreamEr_top$ less

# This file is the top android makefile for all sub-modules.

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)


include $(CLEAR_VARS)

include $(GSTREAMER_TOP)/gst/

include $(GSTREAMER_TOP)/libs/gst/base/

include $(GSTREAMER_TOP)/libs/gst/controller/

include $(GSTREAMER_TOP)/libs/gst/dataprotocol/

include $(GSTREAMER_TOP)/libs/gst/net/

include $(GSTREAMER_TOP)/plugins/elements/

include $(GSTREAMER_TOP)/plugins/indexers/

include $(GSTREAMER_TOP)/tools/


oh i forgot, i use android4.2.2, i build it in Freescale i.mx6, build OS is
ubuntu_12.04,it can run up on the board.

but in ./external it can't be compiled. i want to build out gst-launch on
android, i can test it in android adb shell.

can u help me ? or support me modify the, it ll be build in
android. When I build ,the error is have not GLIB and Gstream-0.10 lib,but
in ubuntu,I have intall

the gstreamer-0.10 libs,and I can use gst-launch on my ubuntu server. But
how can I build it on android and run on the borad. Thx.

And the other method is use gstreamersdk, but when I build it,it also have

turkeyzhu at turkeyzhu:~/myFixed/android-ndk-r9/project/sdkgstreamer/share/gst-sdk/tutorials/android-tutorial-1$
/home/turkeyzhu/myFixed/android-ndk-r9/ndk-build -b

GStreamer      : [GEN] => gst-build/gstreamer_android.c

GStreamer      : [COMPILE] => gst-build/gstreamer_android.c

GStreamer      : [LINK] => gst-build/

in function _gst_debug_nameof_funcptr:gstinfo.c:1621: error: undefined
reference to 'dladdr'

in function g_wakeup_new:gwakeup.c:148: error: undefined reference to

in function g_unix_open_pipe:glib-unix.c:102: error: undefined reference to

Can u help me to build gstreamer env on android, I was so affliction some
days, thanks.

Best regards

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