[gst-devel] Re: The return of the GNOME summaries (Please read)

Jeff Waugh jdub at aphid.net
Fri Apr 20 09:29:10 CEST 2001

[ Apologies for the cross-post. ]

<quote who="Christian Schaller">

> I hope to put up the first GNOME summary next thursday so please have
> anything you want in mailed to me by then.


At the risk of sounding completely mad; how about a mailing list or at least
an alias for contributions to be sent to? If it were a mailing list, we
could distribute the load of writing the summaries, too.

I'd be happy to help with this. Tres, um, happy. ;)

- Jeff

         "From my observation, when it comes to porting Linux to a          
     particular device, a point doesn't appear to be necessary." - mpt      

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