[gst-devel] gstreamer autogen.sh fails

Joshua N Pritikin vishnu at pobox.com
Thu Aug 8 02:18:02 CEST 2002

Current CVS autogen.sh fails:

joshua at remix:~/gst/gstreamer$ NOCONFIGURE=y ./autogen.sh
+ check for build tools
  checking for autoconf >= 2.52... found 2.53, ok.
  checking for automake >= 1.5... found 1.6.2, ok.
  checking for libtool >= 1.4.0... found 1.4.2a, ok.
  checking for pkg-config >= 0.8.0... found 0.12.0, ok.
+ checking for autogen.sh options
  This autogen script will automatically run ./configure as:
  ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-plugin-builddir --enable-failing-tests
  To pass any additional options, please specify them on the ./autogen.sh
  command line.
+ running aclocal -I common/m4 ...
+ not running libtoolize until libtool fix has flown downstream
+ running autoheader ...
autoheader2.50: `config.h.in' is updated
+ running autoconf ...
+ running automake -a -c...
examples/Makefile.am:10: required directory examples/pingpong does not exist
tests/Makefile.am:9: required directory tests/seeking does not exist
automake failed

Maybe the newest version of automake is more strict.  Shall i submit the
obvious patch?

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